Opening Report

Sep 26, 2007 23:26

Everything came together. I got everything printed and it was up on the gallery wall by 5pm (just as well, as the opening was at 6pm!).

Originally the prints were going to be on the wall next to the stairs, but they kept dropping off! They were repositioned in the "small room" and look much better for it.

It was a good opening, the first I'd been to since last November. However...

...there was a fight outside. Or rather, there was a drunk who was picking fights, and it spilt over to the attendees who were milling around outside. Allegedly the guy's wife had been murdered the week before, and that was his excuse for attacking people. Even if that were true (!) it's no excuse for attacking people at random.

Anyway, apart from that, it was a good night. Afterwards I caught a couple of buses to Glendale, and then walked the rest of the way home (6 to 5 km). Luckily a good Samaritan gave me a lift to the roundabout, saving a km of walking, and I got home just avoiding a late shower.

A good day overall. I feel satisfied.

artwork, art, gallery

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