White Dog

Nov 09, 2005 20:50

OK, I swear I'm not making this up, but a white dog followed me home today!

You might remember that on Monday, a Black dog followed me and Peggy home. Well, the same sort of thing happened today. Or rather tonight, I should say. Got home about 7pm, and after feeding the pets decided it'd be relaxing to walk Pegasus. We went the reverse route we went on Monday, and once again met a dog, at about the same location. This one however, was a white dog.

In fact, it looked and behaved like a big version of Pegasus, apart from a slightly square snout and that it wasn't de-sexed. It followed us across the roundabout (very busy this time of day) and down Charlton St, despite my trying to shoo it off. I got very hot and bothered and the very opposite to what I thought I;d be when we got home. Peggy was a bit excited too.

Finally we got home and I phone the after hours number for the ranger. They haven't come yet, and Peggy's still guarding the fence, with the dog on the other side.

What a bizarre week this is!


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