Drinking your own Piss

Aug 01, 2006 21:06

A few days ago the town of Toowoomba voted over whether or not to introduce a recycled system for drinking water. The results were 61% against. I heard some funny quotes about this leading up to the vote, on TripleJ. One was that the major was only considering this option in the case of a "Armageddon scenario". Well if the rapture comes and later the land is full of boiling blood and demons and angels fighting each other (as I believe it's mention in Revelations) then maybe drinking one's recycled urine might be the least of one's troubles.

However, just tonight, as I had channel Ten on in the background, the news update made a quote - someone was saying that within ten years Newcastle (and elsewhere) will be using recycled water.


Don't get me wrong, but if I wanted to "drink my own urine/poo" (as they put on ROVE LIVE directly after the news update) I'd do it properly. Might be a good reason to get a water filter, me thinks!


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