I had...

Sep 21, 2012 08:02

...a good night's sleep last night.

Gabby did not come in to sleep on the bed last night (she did the previous night, and then changed her mind) and Sam did not come in every hour or so looking for reassurance and a pat. In fact I found him this morning asleep on the sofa in the studio near his food bowl. The morning walk has settled down, and overall Sam is mugging Bobby less now.

Even so, if Bobby can, he finds a high spot to be "safe" from Sam. Gabby has not come into the house for over a day and I keep finding her on top of the garden shed. Ebony is behaving like Sam was Hallie - being in the same room as him, but carefully keeping her distance. Xena couldn't be found last night but was in the backyard this morning and ate her breakfast on the ground. Not ideal, but he's only here until the 4th, so overall they're managing.

I've been playing a bit with Sam as well with toys I bought for Bentley As a pup he likes the "throw it" game and the "tug-of-war" game and also the "catch me if you can" game.


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