Back to Work

Aug 06, 2012 09:18

Today's the first day in a while that I feel confident about what I'm doing in the Masters. I've lost a lot of time playing around with stuff, and then waiting for a couple of months until I knew what I'm doing. So, back to a Masters Work Routine each weekday. What does that mean? How about...
  • No Live Journal or Facebook until I've completed my Masters stuff first (unless those posts are to share my progress). That means I won't be reading stuff on either until 4pm at the earliest;
  • No peripheral creative stuff (like creating Pipewalker themes) until I do my Masters stuff first;
  • Weekly goals - that way I know if I'm making progress. The goals have to be concrete and simple enough for me to do thi (e.g. "Draw 3 pages for Real Life Trips");
  • Take regular breaks, and go for exercise walk before lunch. The second is for my health, but regular breaks is essential to stay fresh;
  • Bunch excursions together. I still need to see supervisors, go food and other shopping, or even watch films. But where possible fit these into the same day. That way, when I'm not going out, I know I'm staying home to focus on the Masters. I know from experience though that when I do go out - even for a couple of hours - it disrupts my routine at home. That being the case, I should maximise what I do when I do go out.
  • Don't "beat myself up". Bad habit of mine, and related to procrastination. Can't afford any procrastination any more.

Sounds like a lot but the intent is the same - staying on target!

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