Weirdness mixed with sadness.

Jun 15, 2012 17:04

I was very sad this afternoon.

I finally got through to the owners of Bentley and they will be coming about Noon tomorrow to pick him up. I had been waiting at home just in case, today, and that time was picked so I could go out tomorrow morning to food shop. But then I thought - why not go out late today and get a few essentials and spend tomorrow morning (Saturday) at home?  So I did. Only on the bus to the shops I started crying. I felt like someone selling out their best friend. And I cried off and on for the rest of the trip.

Got home and fed the pets (cats being fed in the work shed) and Daryl poked his head over the fence and asked "New Dog?" I said he was but he wouldn't be here for long, explaining about attacking the cats and my dog walk accident. Anyway, he was selling a car as it happened and one of the buyers asked after Bentley. It seems her father has a Mastiff and he was looking for a playmate for it. They're both 18 months and not desexed. My hopes are lifted, because I had a vision of Bentley frolicking with a Mastiff there and then, and being very happy.

But it all depends on her father, and him coming around to look at the dog before he's picked up (if he's interested). And if he likes him, then off he goes. But it's a long-shot. And yet it wouldn't be the first time that something like this has happened. I took on Sparky back in 2000 because his owner was goin g to drop him in the pound because she wanted an Alsatian. At my birthday party that year a friend and her daughter saw Sparky and the daughter liked him so much I gave him to them. Sparks is probably dead by now, but the last I saw him he was my friend's "best mate".

Maybe that's the case for Bents. In any case it's a chance, and I think he deserves it.


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