I decided that today would be a good day to take Bobby on the bus to see Ron (one of his previous owners) at the Aged Care Unit at Wallsend. I've taken Bobby there before - it's one bus trip to and back (with the bus stop practically outside the unit). When bus drivers have questioned me I've pointed out that that he's in a carrier unit and is no trouble.
But today it was a new bus driver who radioed the depot, asked if an animal in a carrier was OK and they said NO. That means I can't take Bobby to see Ron via the bus any more. To make matters worse, there was a "chance of showers" today and it only seemed to rain over the bus stop!
I will be investigating whether or not that ruling is correct and appropriate, and the reasons why or why not. I took Bobby to see Jenny when she wass still alive and that involved four bus rides on both private and state buses and there was never any problem, so why now? Just now though I'm going to have to phone Ron and tell him I can't bring Bobby like I have been. We could get there and back by taxi, but that would be roughly between $20 to $30 each way! Can't afford that.
Update: Phone Ron and he said to let it go. I'm going to investigate this a bit further though.
I found this on the
Travelling with Pets page:
Pets on Sydney Buses
Customers may also board a bus with a pet such as a dog, cat, bird or other animal. Any such pet must be restrained in a suitable box, basket or other container to be allowed on board as required by the law (NSW Passenger Transport Act and Regulations). The bus driver may refuse to allow a pet on a bus if this poses a risk to the safety of other passengers or the bus. Pets that are not clean, appear vicious, or likely to annoy, threaten or inconvenience other passengers will not be allowed on a bus.
Of course this isn't Sydney and they are not State buses, but - I happen to know that the service has been LEASED by the State government, so maybe it applies anyway.