Did three pages today. The crucial change in routine was not getting on my study PC at all until I'd drawn the bloody things. No Live Journal, Facebook, or Email until now. Might be the way to go in future. These pages are also the end of Chapter 4. Been a l-on-g chapter in the making, but the next will be much quicker.
You know, I'm not sure, but I think I'm improving in my finishing in Photoshop. Between now and the last comic page (just under a month ago) my boarders moved out (disturbing as that was) but also My CS5 apps (Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator and Flash) had to be re-installed. That was a bit of a nightmare, but the net result was that I can now scan directly into Photoshop now (it would bomb before) and because I lost a whole lot of presets I'm using new ones now.
I'm not sure. I have a particular style for this strip but that seems to be evolving.
Next chapter is Chapter 10 (I redid Ch 9)..