The rhino symbolizes masucline virility?

Jun 13, 2010 20:08

Watching TV on Hulu means that I do see the occasional commercial. There's this one birth control pill commercial with a bunch of women standing around blindfolded and feeling a rhinoceros, and I'm not wrong, right? It's insane?

In what universe would it not freak you out to take off your blindfold and realize you have been poking and prodding A GIANT RHINOCEROS? Yet none of the women are scared, they all just smile and laugh like, "Oh, you!"

A soothing woman's voice explains the metaphor--"Having only one point of view can be misleading. Before you come to a conclusion, make sure you have the full picture." She goes on to explain that Bayer makes great birth control pills. I feel like I am missing a step. What point of view are we being misled by? Is there some big Bayer faulty birth control pill scandal I don't know about? If not, this is faulty advertising, because they have planted in my mind the idea that there is. Even if so, though, how are you supposed to trust a company that encourages unsuspecting women to grope rhinoceri?

In the final scene, one of the young women is leaving the--I don't know, rhinoceros fondling studio--and she looks over her shoulder and sees the rhino is also strolling off. She smiles as if reminded of some wonderful recent season finale. Totally inappropriate reaction theatre (continued)! The rhinoceros is now ON THE LOOSE!

commercials, tv

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