Herb garden: The Plantening

Mar 18, 2013 19:06

Apparently, you're not supposed to allow seeds to soak more than 24 hours or they could drown. So, like a true farmer, I got up early to tend to my crop before I had to turn on Outlook and sign onto Yahoo Messenger for work. It turns out that I LOVE waking up at 8:30. Like, it's easier than waking up at 9:45. It's possible this has something to do with sleep cycles.

What the instructions don't tell you is how to fish all your tiny seeds out of the water they were soaking in. They just slid off my handy Miniature Seedling Trowel(TM). Little ones got strained through paper towels, others just got dumped unceremoniously into pods, again, depending on my patience level.

This is going to work out great.

Miniature Seedling Trowel(TM) (Patent Pending)

Mmm, dirt sushi. Things I have no thought about: supposing they all germinate, what on earth will I do with 36 plants?

Note my innovation of marking the rows so I actually know where I put what. Because it's not like I did it in any logical way.

1-5 Parsley
7-10 Thyme
11, 13-16 Cilantro
17, 18-22 Oregano
25-29 Chive
31-35 Basil
6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36: Tomato

Oh yeah, I didn't use all the pods on herbs, so I added some cherry tomato seeds, also a present!

You're supposed to place the pods in a warm place out of direct sunlight to germinate. Darkness I got, but there are no particularly warm places in my house. I ended up creating a little womblike cave under my coffee table, draping a towel over it. It's next to a radiator, but I think I need to up the warmth. I ordered a seedling heating pad (my first actual money spent on this project), which hopefully will also serve as a human heating pad at times of the year when I am not germinating but just being cold.

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth.

farmer laura

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