(no subject)

Dec 25, 2011 18:55

I got great stuff this Christmas! Thanks, friends!

I'm looking forward to playing Agricola and Carcassone with friends at home; to making good homemade coffee and rice with my perfectly sized 4-cup french press and rice cooker, respectively (I've already been using my red cast-iron maple leaf teapot to make loose-leaf tea!); to adding my mom's handmade Space Towels to my space bathroom; to making baked goods with my red silicone bakeware; and to offering people in my home (including myself) any of a selection of teas from my beautiful tea chest. I guess I largely asked for domestic goods, huh? (I count the games! They make your house better.) I also got books and lipsticks and candy and Kiva loans. Pretty awesome!

In other news, why did New Directions get like three songs at sectionals and we only saw one from Trouble Tones? And how come the ND choreography was so weaksauce, especially in an episode with a Mike Chang storyline? I like the impediment of not having their usual crutch Rachel, but even considering that, this was seriously not their A-game. I call shenanigans.

tv, christmas

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