TM 282. Burial or Cremation?

May 19, 2009 11:53

This is one of the most relevant questions I've been asked in a very long time.

I would like a small private religious service.

Before the Holocaust, I never really thought of what sort of funeral service I would want and even if I had, I doubt in a million years that I would specifically point out "religious" as a prerequisite. In my life, there was always that vague sense of faith or religion even if it never really actively entered my mind unless it was right in front of me. I tended to forget about spirituality, about religious things, until or unless I needed them. I suppose a lot of people do that as well. You have a lot of things to hold onto, you forget how important spirituality can be to those who believe. When it's all you have left, it's the most important thing in the worlds.

I don't know what they'll do with my body. There are any one of a number of possibilities. They cremated Billy's body. I still have the ashes, though they'll need a new home soon. I'll have to leave a note somewhere regarding that. I don't think I'd like to be flushed into space. I'd rather be cremated or buried, but I think I'll leave the choice to Bill. He'll know what to do.

I remember when I told him what I wanted. Before that moment, I didn't realize that he honestly didn't understand that the diloxin was a mere ploy for a bit more time. I saw the look on his face when I told him what I would like. If I'd known... or if I had let myself see it...

I'd like a small service. Perhaps if it's possible and feasible, I'd rather be buried than cremated, but it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. .

President Laura Roslin
Battlestar Galactica
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