FIC: The Road Diverged, Chapter 15

May 15, 2013 13:02

Title: The Road Diverged, Chapter Fifteen
Author: The Plaid Slytherin (plaid_slytherin)
Characters/Pairings: Bill/Saul, Laura/Lee
Rating (this chapter): T
Summary: As Lee begins to explore his new relationship with Laura, Bill starts to realize his feelings for Saul may go deeper than mere friendship. Two relationships develop in parallel, with ramifications not only for each other, but for the entire fleet. Now in the Kobol arc!
A/N: Written for deborah_judge for the help_japan auction, who wanted Bill/Saul and Laura/Lee in the same fic. This is an AU spanning the entire series, beginning, of course, at the beginning. Thanks to fragrantwoods for the beta!
Previously: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen

These few days of downtime had let him relax-he'd been briefed on the situation in the fleet, but Saul had been insistent that Bill do nothing yet.
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