My Three Wishes

May 16, 2012 14:25

Quick comment before today's post: bsg_epics is having a friendly ship war at the moment, with the prize of a dedicated day to the ship that has the most ficlets written for it by 9am EST tomorrow.

L/L is a minority ship, but we could still make a bit of a showing, I'm sure! So if you have the time to drop by and write a few L/L drabbles today, it would be much appreciated. Ficlets only need to be a minimum of 100 words long. The post is here, and you can write about anything you like, so please drop by if you can.

Also, for inspiration, so much pretty from the TNT upfronts. Mary's there for Major Crimes, Jamie's there for Monday Mornings, and they are fabulous and gorgeous.


Ok, today's post.

The BSG Gods give you three wishes which you can use to alter things about the canon L/L relationship, or about individual canon aspects of Laura or Lee (but not about non-L/L ships).

What do you use your three wishes to change, and how would that affect the rest of the show?

Your wishes can be shippy or not, but must focus on Laura, Lee or L/L.

!discussions, pimping

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