Morning guys :)
There's an interesting post on
Laura, Lee and New Caprica from the other day if you want to go check it out.
I wanted to do another prompting day today, because I love all the little ficlets that we get on these.
sci_fi_shipper suggested 'Angst' as a topic, so we're going to do that. I would looooooooove some more ideas for the kind of prompting days you would like to do, so if you could drop some into the
Suggestions Box, I will ♥ you lots.
Sign up below if you want some prompts. Other people will give you nice, angsty prompts for you to go write us some ficlets on.
You can write whatever you like - break-ups and make-ups, hurt/comfort, angsty sex, cancer!fics, anything so long as it's angsty Laura/Lee. Drabbles, ficlets and longer fics all welcome!
Ratings and warnings for fics, please.
Have fun :)