Aug 24, 2010 13:44
Call me crazy, but I've never really felt it is my job to tell anyone how much better their life would be if they believed the same way I do. And I've certainly never felt that I am so knowledgeable about how god intends us to live, that I should act as his judge.
We are privileged to live in a place where we can share our opinions, thoughts, and beliefs freely. Disagreements are bound to pop up between us all, but the unwavering belief that should bind us is in the firm fact that we all have the right to state our beliefs without persecution from any party. But too frequently conversations of the religious or political nature turn into hostile expressions and accusations of “disbelief.” The end result is usually the same: a bitter argument.
Religion and politics are two deeply personal subjects. They are stances which should not be taken lightly. I hope that our parents would respect us enough as intelligible people, who are completely capable of responsibly making up our own minds. And though we do not agree on many issues we can come to the understanding that our beliefs are our own.
It’s hard to say how I got here. I don’t claim to know one way or the other. But I assure you and any other doubters that I am happy to be here. Regardless of how I came to be. No prayers, wishes, or request are necessary on my behalf. I have a wonderful and loving husband, a great and recently extended family. I couldn’t ask for a better one. Beautiful and thoughtful friends. A job, in this unstable economy. And an amazing existence which I am thankful for…to whatever powers or circumstances are responsible. We are all truly blessed to be here.
True and unyielding belief is something that no one can lead anyone to. It has to come to you personally. And no one should hold the burden of changing anyone’s mind. It is an impossible task no matter how well your arguments are laid out.
The only obligation we hold is to ourselves. Be true to your personal beliefs and let others do the same. The only solution we have to our differences is tolerance. The only relief we can hope for is the release of ecclesiastical expectations on each other. To each his own.
I am happy with me and I’m glad you are the same. And it does not matter to me how you got that way. You are happy because you are able to believe. And what more could anyone ask for? Love regardless of differences and your time will be much better spent.