Hello all you fans.
So I'm sitting on Ames' bed....know what? everytime I say something about Ames in a possessive manner (i.e. Ames' copmputer, Ames' bed etc) I always without fail type: Ame's. And then I have to go back and fix it. I just thought I would share this minor annoyance with all of you...because I KNOW you CARE. Anyway, back to me being on Ames' bed (godammit I did it again!). I'm chillin here. I have usurped a pair of his comfy pants and am eating Hapi mix (mmmm). The boy? He' s out with a friend at the Metreon arcade. Why am I here then and not playig with him? Because I need to study. *munch munch* *ponder* *scratch* *resume typing* I do sort of wish I was there, partly because I have never really seen Ames play barring stupid behavior and video games. Hence I hacve this curriosity of what he owuld be/look like while playing. This also relates to theme parks. He is going with Grant to Disney World (and apparently everyother theme park in the near vicinity). I just can't imagine it for some reason. The other reason I wish I was there was because, well, it beats studying. But it's good I didn't go because I need to catch up on reading. *munch munch* *looks down at John Donne book* *munch* *resume typing* I had my French oral today. I think I did pretty good. It's either that or I did so horribly that my consciousness just can't grasp the atrocity and so I am permitted to walk merrily along, smelling flowers and believing that I possess the ability to speak french. I don't think this is the case, however. I made sure not to rush into answers, thereby sounding like I don't know anything about the language. But I wasn't so slow as to seem thick (I don't think). I think the longest pause I took was to remember: in an if then clause you first conjugate in...imparfait and then you do......you do....conditional. Okay. So that means that I want to use the verb, acheter (to buy), which would then be "acheterais." So I think i did okay in the end. *munch munch* I also did laundry today. This was a good thing. It needed doing (clean underwear and all).I'm broke by the way. I have a little under $200 in my checking. *headdesk complete with the little anime swirlies that indicate mental death* So that needs to get better somehow. *munch* So by now you have probably realized that this post is about absolutely nothing. But all the same I hope you enjoyed this time we had. I know I did. *munch munch* it was perfectly tranquil, and I feel that I got a lot accomplished. *waves to Donne sitting motionless on the bed* And here now I'll give all those who stuck with it a little treat. Are you ready? .
This Sunday.
An all new, never before seen event.
Unlike anything ever witnessed before.
It will take your breath away.
Don't Miss...
The thrills and chills...
The Parents meet The Parents
Yes, it's that time folks.When mine meet his. Ames is afraid of what will transpire when our two father figures start talking. I'm just plain interestd. I'll keep you updated.