31 posts... what?

Oct 03, 2013 23:19

I'm not sure I really get this one? Basically right now I am looking at, touching, and listening to my computer. Not too thrilling. I can also hear the rats pottering about in the background (and as much as I can smell anything, it smells like they are due a cleanout). Taste is sort of residual fake Haribo flavour since I ate sweets instead of a proper tea. Bad me.

Since that was kind of boring, I will share with you the tale of the two teenage girls on the train home tonight, who were having a very (and obviously deliberately) loud conversation about their sex lives. There was quite a big difference, since one of them "oh my god hasn't even ever wanked anyone off yet!" and the other one "urgh, totally lost her bum v!" So they were having a jolly old conversation about the taste of jizz, what positions feel best, how much it really hurts, the differences between anal and vaginal, etc. etc. At one point one of them broke off and suggested (with some relish) that the other people on the train weren't very happy about their inappropriate conversation.

Well, dearest inexperienced teen, you couldn't be more wrong. While I was mildly annoyed that you were talking so loudly I couldn't concentrate on my book, if I looked a little po-faced it was because I was torn between laughing, crying, and leaning over to say "Honey, it sounds like you'd enjoy everything a whole lot more if you just used a little lube." Thank you for the entertainment.

note to others, a good example of itself

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