So Spring Break...

Apr 06, 2007 12:39

I took a weird Spring Break this year. Since I am co-oping this semester, I’m not taking classes, so I didn’t have an “official” break like most people did. So I made my own :]

Jacob was home all of last week. I took of Thursday and Friday to hang out with him. He went back home Saturday. I wish I could have hung out with him more and stuff, but I’m sure he was off having fun somewhere with Robyn, showing her the “sights” of Michigan.

Thursday Jake, Robyn, Jon and I all went to Ann Arbor. It was a beautiful day out, though windy. But it was still good weather for walking around, shopping, sushi, drinking coffee and bubble tea…you know the usual.

What?! You don’t know what Bubble Tea is??? Allow me to introduce you…

Don’t ask what the “bubbles” are. You really don’t want to know, and probably would be biased against trying it if you were informed of what they consisted of. If you do wander out there though, I suggest Strawberry Black Tea w/Milk at TK WU and the Strawberry Slushy with Mango Stars at Bubble Island.

I bought one of the shirts at Urban Outfitters that I liked! It turned out to only be $24 dollars so I couldn’t pass it up! That’s a really good deal for that store lol. To make up for my saving at that store though I spent way too much money on sushi all of last week. But it was good, really very good.

Friday Jake Robyn and I checked out the lunch specials at crave while Jon was working. The sushi specials aren’t the best deal in my opinion, but if you get one of the entrees you get soup, 2 rolls, tea, and all this other stuff and its always under $15. Which is a good deal at Crave.

Evidently, we liked it.

Friday night was the Mute Math concert! Caleb told us about it and how he wanted to go so we went! The opening bands were…ok…but weird story! The singer from one of the bands worked at the Mud House back in Missouri! I just thought it was weird how Jake, Caleb, and Robyn were all here in Detroit the same time that guy was. They got to talk to him after, fun stuff!

Mute Math is absolutely…gorgeous…live. The CD just can’t compare. They are a band I wish I could shove into my radio in my car and just have them play live and loud all the time. I got really close to the stage, but I was on a little ramp-y thing so my legs were killing me by the end of the night. It was worth it though. I got some sweet pictures:

Saturday I had to say goodbye to Jake. I was fine until he was getting in his car, hugging his parents and whatnot and then he was like “luv ya boo!” aw :[ I miss that kid.

After that I went up to school just randomly to hang out with people in the SWE office and take care of some business/organization type stuff. I pull up to school though and there are these blow up alien figures EVERYWHERE around the UC. Evidently, it was “Alien Abduction Invasion” Day or some weird name that I can’t understand why our university would be hosting an event named that.

Saturday night Erica had a Body Shop party at her house. It was a lot more fun/interesting than I thought it would be and thus I spend too much money and overdrew on my account. I can’t wait to get my Body Shop stuff though!

Monday I did the radio show with all my boys at school. Meaning, Jon Miko and GregM. Then I had to wait around for awhile to meet with my counselor and my advisor to make sure I’m all set to register for classes. I drug Greg and Miko around with me everywhere haha I love doing that to those boys.

Jon and I decided that we needed to have an I Love New York finale party at his house that night. We figured out a few weeks ago at work that we were both obsessed with the show, ridiculous as it is. So I drove my butt all the way to the island (a longer drive than I thought) to enjoy the low-level of life displayed on tv for all to see.

To bad it wasn’t the FINALE finale and now I have to wait 2 more weeks to see if New York accepts Tango’s proposal. I wanted her to be with Chance. They woulda caused a heck of a lot of trouble together = new spin off show. I don’t think I’d get into a Tango + NY spinoff.

Tuesday I got lunch with Erocka, our traditional Kasey’s soup and fries. It was good :] Except I think I got a sandwich too, I don’t remember. Then I went and saw “Blades of Glory” with Jon. It was funny. Don’t listen to what anyone else says about it. Just go see it; for once I was satisfied after spending a ridiculous amount on tickets and popcorn.

After the movie, Jon and I took off for Toledo to visit Keith and to go to This Beautiful Republic’s CD release party. Nevertheless was one of the (good) opening bands. And we got to meet them! They were really nice guys!

One of the guys, I think AJ (?) thought I looked familiar, but we determined since they’re from TN and I’m from MI I’m probably not who he thought I was haha. Oh well. The show was very good. TBR was a lot harder live than on their CD but oh well to that too. Nevertheless was amazing. I wish I could have danced on stage with them or something haha

Wednesday Kristyna and I ran the SWE meeting. We ran to Shatila to get some of their French pastries, and we also had nachos & cheese. At the meeting we did a mini-competition to see who could build a raft using only aluminum foil and popsicle sticks that could hold the most pennies in a tank of water. It was fun. More fun though was finding out that IM THE NEW SWE PRESIDENT!!!! Wooot I get to be all like IN YOUR FACE! on here since I didn’t want to gloat in front of everyone lol. But really, I am very excited for the new year and all the stuff we, collectively as the new e-board, have planned for the new year!
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