Mar 14, 2005 12:42
This weekend was interesting. Friday night on the way back from Stockton I got some talk time with mom, and found out a lot about her I never knew... provoking my last entry.
Yeah, Friday seemed to be my Girl Chat day. After the car ride I went over Donna's to practice the music for her All South Jersey elementary school choir... yeah I was in that bad bear! Playing auxillary percussion on The Lion King medley and O, Sifuni Mungo, which I sang when I was in ASJ in 8th grade. Alissa, Nate, Dad, Uncle Bob, and Spencer (the Asian Spencer from The Music Man) were also featured musicians. Anyway, Friday after we practiced the songs I stayed and talked to Donna. I've missed her... it was good to have talk time and bring her up to date on all of my antics. Turns out she was just about the same as me in college, haha. She went on three dates in one day once. So actually she was much cooler, lol! But if I could score that many dates in one day I would, haha. Blah this is just not turning out right, is it? What I mean is, I'm trying to look for the right guy-I feel like I've been searching through a pile of socks looking for the match. Anyway, for some reason knowing that she's happily married now has given me hope for the future, lol! I'm gonna concentrate on having fun and getting all my crap together right now anyway. I've got it stuck in my head that having a boyfriend would make everything so much easier, when probably it's the reverse. But, still... I guess I'm tired of *having* to concentrate on other things. Anyway, after I got home I talked with Alissa some. It wasn't really "Girl Talk", but she just makes me laugh. Good times.
Saturday was the concert... it was pretty fun. Afterwards there was a dinner at the coach room in Bridgeton, pretty tasty. I was already in kinda a "bleh" mood though ever since I made everyone late that morning (well almost, it turns out we were given the wrong time anyway), so when I lost my purse I was just like... oh man. I didn't even realize till we got all the way home. I thought I left it in the restaurant, so we called and it wasn't there. Sometimes I'm so scatterbrained I annoy myself. It's like part of my brain's gone missing. But actually it turns out Donna picked it up backstage and thought it belonged to a student. So that's a relief. It had everything in it... my SS card, debit card, bank statements, cell phone... I was freaking out. I'm glad that ordeal's overwith and that for once it actually WASN'T my stupidity.
Yesterday since Nathan was still home he requested our annual St. Patrick's day meal, which I am beginning to look forward to more than Thanksgiving. I made it this year! Corned beef and cabbage and red potatos and my Mommom's Irish sodabread. Mmmmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmmmm. I figured it out today, I'm roughly 34.5 % Irish. My sister and dad are making green beer today, lol! I wonder if he'll let me have some. Probably not. I don't think I want any green beer anyway... I know it tastes the same, but.. ew
well I gtg