Aug 06, 2004 01:48
What was...
The last movie you watched?:anger management
The last song you listened to?:on mercury -- red hot chili peppers
The last book you read?:umm heidi haha
The last thing you ate?:cookies..mmm
The last thing you drank?:milk..boy do i luv my milk
The last scent you smelled?:umm...cookies?
The last dessert you ate?:cookies...
The last thing you fell over: pull out couch haha
The last picture you took?:a while ago
Who was...
The last person you kissed?:haha....
The last person you hugged?:jesse
The last person you talked to?:on phone..sarah..on msn..darren
The last person who made you cry?:dun member
The last person who made you laugh?:umm sarah
The last person you saw?:lianne
The last person you dated?:ugh...sacha...
The last person you loved? secret
The last person who spent time with you?:lianne
The last person you hated?:julie doner
The last person you loved?:they asked this alreadi
The last person who was mean to you?:bro
The last person who was nice to you?:umm...darren
When was...
The last time you ate?:cookies..b4...
The last time you slept?:umm this mornin?
The last time you used the bathroom?:ooh..i took a bathroom break a few mins ago
The last time you cried?:to tell my rents im too sheltered
The last time you laughed?:b4...w/ stan
The last time you hurt yourself?:this mornin..on that damn couch
The last time that you read?:summer school...physics...
The last time that you listened to a CD all the way through?:last monday
The last time you spent a night over at someone else's house?:umm does cottage count?
The last time you spent with a friend?:that makes no sense
The last time you had sex?:umm..not in this lifetime
The last time you did drugs? a good girl :)
The last time you cursed?:haha all the time
The last time you prayed?:today actually...:S
The last time you wished you were dead?:not for a while
The last time you wished someone else was dead?:umm...:S
The last time that you wanted more time to do something in?:yesterday...haha..doin my 'laundry'
The last time you wished you didn't have to end something?:same as above
The last time you played a videogame?:umm...dun member
The last time you watched TV?:tonight
The last time you wrote something down on paper?:umm dun member
The last time you smiled?:today
The last time you were truly happy?:rite now
The last time that you were sad?:2 nites ago
The last time you told someone that you loved them?:umm...i juss told annie The last time you talked on the phone?:at 12
The last time you posted on an internet forum?:a wat?
The last time you sent an email? jesse?
The last time you used IM programs to talk to someone?:the wat?
The last time you updated your blog/webpage/livejournal/etc.?:not too long ago The last time that you sat and thought about your life?:plannin on soon
The last time in which you declared "I hate you!"?:behind they're back? stan..bout my bro :P
The last time you downloaded something off the internet?:prob today..songs.. The last time you took a survey?:a while ago