Jun 17, 2003 16:41
So this is it, I'm done with college, at least I'm done with exams and no matter what happens now, I'm in vacation. I had my last exam an hour ago and it went okay I guess, even though I picked the one little card I didn't want to get, with the one text I didn't want to sum up/analyse. I've had no luck with my orals, only maths. Oh well, so now I have to wait until friday for my results. They're supposed to call if I don't have my diploma and if they don't call me, then I do. I have this pain in my stomach just thinking about friday because I know there's a slight possibility I don't have it. It's stressful. Like.. you have no idea.
So I refuse to talk about it any longer. #*@!&% at college.
Internet's been a dick for the past 3 days, I can't do anything without being disconnected every 2 minutes. I don't know what's wrong, no one knows actually. We called our Internet provider and they said nothing was wrong with the network so we're kinda clueless about what's going on. Apparently it works again because I've been connected for hours and didn't once get disconnected. I want to be able to check my emails before leaving for Italy on the 30th or else hotmail's gonna delete half of them haha. A one month internet break can only do me some good even if I'll miss my daily conversation with Zac :p Or wait, maybe that will do me some good too ;) haha jk. The one thing that bothers me is that I have to stay a whole month there with my parents and my sister won't even be there since she's staying home in july because she works. I was supposed to go only 2 weeks but my mom's forcing me to stay there the whole month because of my last phone bill :o/ Ah well, I guess I kind of deserve it. Now I need to think of stuff to take with me so I'm not so bored. Books, lots of books, books and more books ;P
Oh, I didn't mention that before but I got my job in september!! I'm going to work in a kindergarden for a whole year, i'm excited. This is what I want to do so it's going to be a great experience and I'll earn some money, which is something I really need. The director called me last week (or was it two weeks ago?) to tell me I had the job and I literally screamed on the phone, haha. I was so happy, it was just like a heavy load had been taken off my shoulder. She seemed happy that I was happy too which is great. They're supposed to call me again soon so I go sign the contract, I can't wait. I'm finally going to do something I like, no more homework, exams, stupid teachers and countless hours sat in class. I'll work 4 mornings and 2 afternoons and I'll have wednesday off. I think it's the only kindergarden that has that schedule so I'm a lucky one ;)
On saturday night Aline and Mehdi came over and we watched tv and just chilled. I talked to Aline about a few things that were bothering me and she ended up making me feel a bit better, just like Zac the night before (I think it was the night before?) I never told you how much what you told me that night meant to me Zac, so thanks for everything. Our conversation made me feel better, I don't know if I told you that or not but now you know. It's nice to know you're there if I need to talk and you know you can talk to me as well. Weirdos understand weirdos, remember? ;)
Randomly, I miss Des, I really need to catch up with her. That's what I'm gonna do now that I don't have to worry about exams anymore :)
I wanted to do that 10 LJ friends thing but I'll do it later. It's time for a shower!