Jun 08, 2003 15:10
Zac: i cant decide what to do now
x Riddle xx: what were you planning to do?
x Riddle xx: or is it
x Riddle xx: what were you planning on doing?
x Riddle xx: fuck english
Zac: well i could a) jerk off then take a shower or b) take a shower then maybe i wont have to do that but then if i do i can always do it in there anyway or c) fuck both of those and sleep
x Riddle xx: d) jerk off and sleep?
Zac: now thats a great idea
Zac: now i know why i love you
Zac: muah
x Riddle xx: cause you didn't know before?
x Riddle xx: how rude
x Riddle xx: its like saying.. I DONT KNOW WHY BUT OK
Zac: i did know but this just makes me even moer
Zac: more
x Riddle xx: lolol dork
Zac: >Q. Why do only 10% of men make it to heaven?
>A. Because if they all went, it would be Hell.
Zac: >Q. Why do men name their penises?
>A. Because they don't like the idea of having a stranger make 90% of their decisions
x Riddle xx: lmfao
x Riddle xx: THIS IS GREAT!
Zac: i forget my penis's name
x Riddle xx: gilbert
Zac: haha er no
x Riddle xx: faggy
Zac: oh goliath
x Riddle xx: fuck that and tell me you're kidding
Zac: >Q. What makes a man think about a candlelight dinner?
>A. A power failure.
x Riddle xx: truth is revealed!
Zac: >Q. How are husbands like lawn mowers?
>A. They're hard to get started, they emit noxious odours, and half the time they don't work
x Riddle xx: l.....m.......a.......o
x Riddle xx: who wrote these
x Riddle xx: he obviously knows what hes talking about
x Riddle xx: it must be a she
Zac: lol thought you would appreciate that
Zac: ok then so im going
x Riddle xx: remember.. jerk off then sleep
x Riddle xx: shower later
Zac: like i'll forget now
x Riddle xx: lolol
x Riddle xx: i'll talk to you later then jerk offer
x Riddle xx: or jerker off
x Riddle xx: or whatever
Zac: haha fuck up
x Riddle xx: up what?
x Riddle xx: ;-)
Zac: :-P
Zac: w/ you want
x Riddle xx: with you want? what?
Zac: w/ = whatever
x Riddle xx: no usually w/ = with
Zac: well not in my life
x Riddle xx: your life sucks
Zac: heh i wish
x Riddle xx: dirrty.. go jerk off now it's getting bad
Zac: oh like you dont enjoy it
x Riddle xx: rawr:-*
Zac: ok getting dirty thoughts about licking im going
Zac: later lahora
x Riddle xx: fuck that
x Riddle xx: later
Zac: fuck what?
x Riddle xx: lahora`? what is this all about?
Zac: i dunno lol#
x Riddle xx: haha whatever go now!
Zac: im goooing
Zac: wanan cum?
x Riddle xx: yeah im cumming
x Riddle xx: just a sec
x Riddle xx: ::cums::
Zac: haha fup
x Riddle xx: that's your job
x Riddle xx: not mine
x Riddle xx: you're the one wearing a penis
Zac: hmm true enough
lmfao i love that guy. muah zac