(no subject)

Dec 06, 2005 16:14

This morning was not off to the start I had hoped for. My bike has and always will blow... it was so frozen I could not even get my key all of the way into it, I managed to get it in and then was unable to turn it. We will have to see if a lighter will help, I did manage to get to class right exactly on time and turn in my homework. If you are 2 minutes late she will not accept it, I still find it hard to believe that I made it there as quickly as I did.

I just got out of our presentations for the COHORT we ended up going third today and pulled through very nicely. I am so glad that it is done and over with, we are having a party in that honor tonight. I also have an HTS party to go to tomorrow and Jen's 22 birthday is today, so many things gonig on all at once! I really need to get some Christmas shopping done. That is all for now!

Good luck to everyone finishing up this last week of classes and finals next week!.
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