Heyy. I havent updated if a long time because I've been using my xanga and people who don't have an xanga can't comment and that makes me sad so I'm coming back to this one! I dont feel like updating so just take this quiz!! Thanks Bunches
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1. I died from natural causes: cry my eyes out
2. I kissed you: hmm... i d k ... lol
3. I lived next door to you: hang out all the time!!
4. I started smoking: told you to stop
5. I stole something: helped you hide it...lol
6. I was hospitalized:be there with you thru the whole time
7. I ran away from home: go with you
8. I got into a fight and you weren't there?: get there as fast as i could
What Do You Think Of My..
9. Personality: awesome....
10. Eyes: suh weet!!
11. Hair: straight
12. Laugh: cool
13. Family: ummmm family friends are cool... lol haha
Would You..
14. Be my friend?: already am... bff!!!
15. Keep a secret if I told you one?: yeah
16. Hold my hand?: if you needed one i guess
17. Take a bullet for me?: yea!!!
18. Keep in touch?: of course!! high school= hanging out on the weekends... lol
19. Try and solve my problems?: i do try but it doesnt always work lol
20. Love me?: i do!!
21. Date me?: umm id think so lol
Have You Ever..
22. Lied to make me feel better?: lol i d k
23. Wanted to kiss me?: umm sry but no
24. Wanted to kill me?:no
25. Broke my heart?:no... i d think so
26. Kept something important from me?:no
27. Thought I was unbearably annoying?: i d think so
Random Stuff..
28. What reminds you of me?..the mall... and izzle words!!!!!
29. If you could give me anything what would it be?..a hug!!
30. How well do you know me?..very well
31. When's the last time you saw me?..well im goin to the movies tonight with you
32. Are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say about you? suuure y not...
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