http://www.theonion.com/article/biden-to-cool-his-heels-in-mexico-for-a-while-17996 Joe Biden as written by The Onion -
- oh my god I love this. I nominated it. No idea if anyone will offer it. :) Current Biden, Future Biden, maybe Biden as senator? I think being VP or former VP is funnier. Maybe he can just sort of refuse to leave after Obama's out? The Onion never mentions his wife (who is awesome) and I think that is actually probably for the best? A lot of his behavior would make for a shitty husband, and Jill doesn't deserve that. I'd prefer nothing about his recent family tragedy, because that's not funny. I guess this doesn't *have* to be funny? I'm not really sure how to make something serious out of this. :) They have been very ambiguous about backstory, whether he has all this history as a roadie and a pot dealer and also was a senator, or if this random dude just elected VP, i'm fine with either.
- Crossovers are great, or something like "Joe Biden gets matched on pairing he hates in Yuletide" or "Joe Biden's cosplay disrupts convention masquerade", Joe Biden interacting with fannish things, or Joe Biden LARPing or Joe Biden doing pretty much anything?
- You can write in any form that appeals, articles like the onion, or tweets, or tumblr, or just narrative, or epistolary, or, I dunno, college syllabus? that one probably doesn't make sense but hopefully demonstrates how open I am to ideas. :-) Basically, if your story is about TheOnion!JoeBiden, I'll likely be overjoyed. :)
- Some of my favorites:
http://www.theonion.com/article/biden-worries-legalized-weed-in-dc-will-cut-into-h-38210http://www.theonion.com/article/biden-arrives-early-to-set-up-state-of-the-union-f-37812http://www.theonion.com/article/biden-tossed-out-of-car-passing-by-white-house-37494http://www.theonion.com/article/biden-gets-grow-light-delivered-to-white-house-und-36597http://www.theonion.com/article/biden-loses-control-of-butterfly-knife-during-comm-36053http://www.theonion.com/article/frantic-biden-searching-dog-shelter-for-bo-look-al-35161http://www.theonion.com/article/biden-frantically-hitting-up-cabinet-members-for-c-34515http://www.theonion.com/article/nude-biden-wakes-up-on-cold-slab-in-dc-morgue-34243http://www.theonion.com/article/biden-has-guy-named-worm-sit-in-for-him-at-cabinet-33250http://www.theonion.com/article/biden-investigated-for-questionable-workers-comp-c-32571http://www.theonion.com/article/biden-working-his-way-through-scratch-off-tickets--30973 Two Monks Inventing Things
- OMG you offered this! Or maybe I'm on pinch hits or you're browsing letters. If the latter, well, this is a series of humor pieces at The Toast. It's a quick read! The concept is that two monks are creating works of art, and... it's hilarious? They exist sort of out of time and space, creating works of art and encouraging each other to make weird decisions. Mallory, the author, is clearly someone with a lot of humanities education, much like myself. :)
It's here: http://the-toast.net/tag/two-monks-inventing-things/
Reading any one will let you know if you like this kind of thing, I expect.
What do I want? Anything.
* Monks inventing something not art - shoes, operating systems, far future civilizations, dystopias, media. It's a great format to lovingly call out the flaws/weird decisions of something you love, if you have an idea, run with it. (If you're concerned you might be being obscure and you want to include explanatory links on top that would be rad, I'll read things! [ [edit: eek there's a new one i hadn't seen, about the inventing church denominations! INVENT ALL THE THINGS]
* Monks inventing art - more of the same, or different art! Modern art? Fanart? That could be fun
* A serious character study about the lives of these monks, whether in one time and place or bouncing all over. Are they immortal? Are they archetypes? Are they trapped in church bureaucracy that makes them effectively immortal? Are they positions passed down throughout the ages? Are they in love? Do they just sort of exist with little awareness that they are living through different times and places? ARE THEY COMPUTER SIMULATIONS? Don't worry about getting too weird for me!!! I like weird.
* Crazy world building? GO FOR IT. SERIOUSLY.
Loki: Agent of Asgard
- This is the comic-line that got me to actually be a regular comics reader. I heard "bisexual" and "gender fluid" and "Loki" and I picked up a digital subscription, started reading, and was just really kind of confused about backstory and wandered off. Then awhile later I picked up a Marvel Unlimited subscription, started with the JMS run of Thor because I'm a big Babylon 5 fan, and next thing you know I was all over comics. :) I finished Journey Into Mystery months ago and I still get upset when I think about it. I'm not currently caught up on Agent of Asgard, but I will be well before Christmas. (I'm trying to read everything that feels relevant in Axis and I just get so bogged down in these crossover events I give up. But this is the perfect motivation to get me back on track!)
- I'm particularly into gender and sexuality and fluidity thereof, and questions of identity, and what it means to be good or evil or ethical or moral
- Speaking of identity, I think undoing what JiM did at the end would probably be too... too much, in some way? I sometimes things that are "fix it fic" just become stuck in my head as my canon and then it's hard to continue on with the original source. I would love if that hadn't had to happen, but since it did... but, if you wind up with some kind of complicated reality rewriting time travel complicated thing, and it's culmination of something big, do what you think is right. I just don't know how I would feel about just starting with "that never happened" or something like that. And at this point, things have gotten so complicated with identity that... I don't even know. (Sorry this is my most rambly and emotionally confused yuletide request ever.)
- I did come at this as a Loki movie fan, so you are free to have that as an inspiration if you like, but movie Loki's got nothing on this one. I do wish we could just have a tv show with Hiddleston going through this, but he'd never have the time. ah well. Pretty much the only Loki fic I've read is astolat's, and that is a different Loki than this, but if I have a headcanon for movie Loki, it's that, for whatever that says.
- I think Odin's a shitty father and a shitty ruler and I'd prefer not to deal with him at length, though if you have something you think is awesome, that is critical of their relationships and does something interesting, go for it. You can do pretty much anything you want with Thor except go for the worst versions of Thor as a oafish goon jock who never thinks. You don't need to include Thor, or you could make this all an exploration of Thor and Loki's relationship. Honestly there's no one that I would be heartbroken if they weren't included. I'm particularly fond of Hela, and Verity.
- You can throw Loki into the rest of the marvel comics universe (whatever the hell that is these days, or previous days), you can have Loki writing slash like he mentioned back in the first issue, you can... send Loki to Mars? I'm really really flexible about setting is what I'm saying. :) I don't know about full of AU, but feel free to change things around.
If by some chance you haven't read kid Loki and would like to, (or anyone else reading this) here's a guide:
http://journey-into-mystery.tumblr.com/post/30097993112/kidlokiguide It's all on Marvel Unlimited, and I think you get a month for $10?
Crossposted from Dreamwidth. Most commenting still happens on LJ.