Dear Yulegoat!

Oct 26, 2014 13:21

Dear Author,

I'm sorry, I'm having the worst week I've had all year, with a variety of unexpected crisises. I have plans to work on my letter with a friend on Saturday, my apologies! My old letters are probably useful?

Thank you!


Dear Yulegoat!

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm so glad you want to write something for something I requested. When in doubt, please don't worry, I'll be happy with pretty much anything. :)

Request 1 by laura47
Two Monks Inventing Things (The Toast)

Monk #2 (Two Monks Inventing Things) Monk #1 (Two Monks Inventing Things)

OMG you offered this! Or maybe I'm on pinch hits or you're browsing letters. If the latter, well, this is a series of humor pieces at The Toast. It's a quick read! The concept is that two monks are creating works of art, and... it's hilarious? They exist sort of out of time and space, creating works of art and encouraging each other to make weird decisions. Mallory, the author, is clearly someone with a lot of humanities education, much like myself. :)

It's here:

Reading any one will let you know if you like this kind of thing, I expect.

What do I want? Anything.

* Monks inventing something not art - shoes, operating systems, far future civilizations, dystopias, media. It's a great format to lovingly call out the flaws/weird decisions of something you love, if you have an idea, run with it. (If you're concerned you might be being obscure and you want to include explanatory links on top that would be rad, I'll read things! [ [edit: eek there's a new one i hadn't seen, about the inventing church denominations! INVENT ALL THE THINGS]

* Monks inventing art - more of the same, or different art! Modern art? Fanart? That could be fun

* A serious character study about the lives of these monks, whether in one time and place or bouncing all over. Are they immortal? Are they archetypes? Are they trapped in church bureaucracy that makes them effectively immortal? Are they positions passed down throughout the ages? Are they in love? Do they just sort of exist with little awareness that they are living through different times and places? ARE THEY COMPUTER SIMULATIONS? Don't worry about getting too weird for me!!! I like weird.

* Crazy world building? GO FOR IT.


Request 2 by laura47
Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)
Adam (Only Lovers Left Alive) Eve (Only Lovers Left Alive)


I loved the feel of the movie, the dreamy languid sense of it all, the way it didn't care about rushing through a plot, the sense that there's so much history we don't know about, all that negative space for fic writing.

I'd love some kind of chosen vampire family, or old school backstory. i love stories of long lived characters and how that affects their relationships, perspectives, and interactions with the world.

I'd love an AU where Ian gets turned instead of killed, I think that has amazing potential.

I'd also love post-movie fic, with Adam and Eve dealing with the consequences of turning the two young lovers, hopefully there's some anger and confusion and eventually a functional family.

Really I'm pretty into family. Making Ava more reasonable, on her own of because she turned Ian? You could do something a hundred years down the line, dealing with yet another world, new challenges, new family? Eventually technology tends makes it harder and harder to live in the margins and for people to hide their identities, which is clearly already complicated in the early 21st century. Maybe a reunion with old friends and family (who might be new friends and family at the time of the movie). Maybe big societal changes! Maybe weird vampire stuff! I'm pretty flexible. :)


Request 3 by laura47
The Birdcage (1996)
No rating
Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
No category
Request Unfulfilled
20 Oct 2014Tags
Agador (The Birdcage) Val Goldman Armand Goldman Albert Goldman
I'd like some family fic, either set in the future, about the extended families of the Goldmans and inlaws, or maybe backstory about Val growing up and Armand and Albert figuring out their lives as fathers. I just want more of these characters, I would have requested more if more than 4 had been nominated, I love every character. Well, not the reporters. ;)

Addition: Characters listed are really "Or", not "And", I don't mean to be restrictive!

Request 4 by laura47
Sleep No More - Punchdrunk
No rating
Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
No category
Request Unfulfilled
20 Oct 2014Tags
I've seen this three times in Boston and New York and I have no idea how to write for it. Useless prompt, sorry! Go wherever your heart takes you! Stories within the established cannon, bringing in new shakespeare or gothic romance or whatever, weird meta things, I... whatever you want. :)


Trying out crossposting from dreamwidth!

dear yuletide author, yuletide, dear yulegoat

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