lol, i SO didn't get why this survey had letters and numbers at first.

Jun 23, 2006 04:10

HEARTS (love and friendship)

2: Are you happy about something today?: Yes, but I'm very unhappy abuot something else and it's bringing me downnnnnnn
3: What about it makes you so happy (or unhappy)?: I find that I care too much about certain people and it hurts when they don't care as much as I would like them too, AND also it upsets me when people that i love are going through some rough times and I can't do anything about it.
4: When was the last time you went out with friends?: I don't do that anymore? My grad party, if that counts.
5: When did you last spend time with your family?: I'm always with my family, but the last family gathering was on Fathers day.
6: When was the last time you went on a genuine date?: lol, something else I don't do.
7: When was the last time you kissed someone?: within the past week.
8: When was the last time you had sex?: never
9: When was the last time you told someone you loved them?: It was totally DeAnne on the phone tonight.
10: Have you ever been in love?: I always think I am, lol, but probably not.

J: Who knows more about you than anyone else?: probably Bean, but I talked waaaay too much to Todd when I was drunk last... lol, so who knows at this point. Lol. Jk. It's totally Bean because he never makes me shut up.
Q: Who in your family are you closest to?: This is a hard one...
K: Who is your closest friend?: I don't like this question, people change, people find new friends, nothing stays the same, therefore, you have numerous people that have been the closest, it just depends.
A: Who do you love, more than anyone?: Same as above. If this was about a year ago I know who I would have said... and if it was 2 months ago as well. Right now I'm just a mess. Lol.

DIAMONDS (money and success)

2: What's the first time you ever remember getting money?: the vacation money when I was younger, that I didn't deserve, lol!
3: What did you do with it?: bought post cards, candy from the gift shops, shells, daddys birthday gifts, etc. Up North stuff, fo sho.
4: What's the first thing you bought because everyone else was buying it?: Beanie Babies. I was never really into them but it was the thing to do. One day, I was walking with this girl named Laura Andercovich in The Village... we went to Village Toy, and they had a limited edition beanie baby that was a white bear with blue and red stars. it was awesome. I SO bought one. :)
5: What was your favorite gift from childhood?: Probably a game like pretty pretty princess... either that or the Skip-It!!
6. whats the most money someone gave you as a child? A lot, a lot. We got half a years allowance at one time. (allowance only twice a year) so you really had to know from early on how to manage money. I'm pretty good at it now!
7: What's your favorite toy from childhood?: Fischer Price toys in general, I think.
8: What car do you drive now?: nothing, I drive a environmentally friendly car in my dreams though.
9: Where do you live now?: Detroit. I'm proud of it too.
10: What's the greatest thing you've ever bought?: Oh boy. Tough. That one night with Steve.
J: What car do you most want?: a car right out of the fast and the furious, that's environmentally friendly, lol.
Q: Where do you most want to live?: certain other countries and states like California to check it out for a while, New York maybe... etc...
K: What luxury (you'll probably never be able to afford) would you most like?: many many trips out of the country.
A: What do you consider the pinnacle of success?: being a very wealthy person, doing something that I really enjoy doing for a living, and having a family that I love more than anything. Yea, that's success.

SPADES (labor and career)

2: What was your first job?: Three C's Landscaping employee.
3: How much did you make?: 8.50, yo.
4: What was your favorite job?: I have only had one real one, I'm not counting babysitting or anything. And my current/only job isn't really that enjoyable at all...
5: Why did you leave it?: I didn't. I surly tried for a while though, lol.
6: Did you further your education after high school?: I'm currently enrolled in classes at University, so you tell me. ;)
7: What did you study?: I'm going to be taking general classes for a while until I figure out what I really want to do.
8: What is your current job?: Ugh. Same as other job related questions.
9: How long have you been doing your job?: I have worked since the end of May.
J: What do you plan to eventually do?: I don't know. Something that will help people in some way, save the enviornment, humanities, art, business, or political science. OMG? That's like everything but math, lol.
Q: If money were no object, what would you do?: I would travel the world, meet all sorts of people, and relax for the rest of my life. (then reach the success we talked about before, lol)
K: What's the hardest thing you've ever done?: Don't know.

CLUBS (war and conflict)

2: Are you upset about something?: Yes
3: Why does it upset you?: Because I hate to see people in tough situations and I miss people too much for my own good sometimes.
4: Are you not talking to someone?: Yes, and I hopefully never will again. :)
5: Is someone not talking to you?: Not anymore!!! We're all good now.
6: Were you personally affected by September 11th?: no
7: Has it changed your personal habits?: No
8: If you were drafted, would you object?: yes
9: Can you see yourself dying for your country?: no
10: Can you see yourself dying for anything else?: yes
J: What is the worst news you ever received?: When you're told that people have died, it's pretty heartbreaking.
Q: When was the last time you cried?: lol, today. I cry a lot.
K: When was the last time you hit someone?: not sure
A: Have you ever genuinely wanted to kill someone?: whoever decided to make up surveys and quizzes, yes.
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