Aug 09, 2010 07:25

So while we're on the subject of weddings....

Strange Wedding Traditions. No. 1

Veneto, Italy.

It is customary for the Italian couple getting married to walk to the wedding chapel together. The townsfolk place obstacles in the bride's path to see how she will react to domestic situations. If she picked up a broom, for example, she will keep a clean house. If they put a child in her way and she stopped to help him, she will be a good mother. In some regions, the bride and groom must cut a log in half before they reach the wedding site, using a double handled saw. This demonstrates their partnership in love and marriage.

As if marriage (and planning a wedding) in and of itself isn't a big enough obstacle course, there's this shit. So, what does it mean if she picks up the broom and proceeds to beat the piss out of the child (and everyone else along the course who has something to say about it)?
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