I think your truly something special

Aug 29, 2004 17:10

So schools about to start and this summer has gone by REAL fast. Its kind of dissapointing realizing you've made so many plans but only a few came through, kinda sucks to tell the truth.I'm not gonna lie though its not a complete dissapointment that schools back. I get to look forward to spring break with my girl Shay which is gonna be awesome plus all the sporting events (that y.o.u should come watch:D), homecoming, and everything like that. Hopefully it'll be a good year.

All I've really been doing is basketball practice and hanging out with some people;) Friday went to Khols with Stace and then there was the football game which we all know  got delayed so some of went to the Robinets which was fun. Saturday was the boys soccer game and then some kids came over at like 5ish and then stopped by again after his football game.That was alright except one of my lovely girls wasn't there (B, I'm sorry I <3 You)

Sorry this is so long.

I really like what you’ve done to me
I can’t really explain it
I’m so into you

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