Essentially Speaking

May 26, 2005 17:26

Even though this is on Megan's LJ, I had to put it in here because it just captures her essence (remember when we were all obsessed with essences and drew them in art all the time?) (remember when MEGAN and BRIDGET were in IB Art??)
Megan, on why she was crying in the shower:
"I was thinking about dissecting those damn fetal pigs, (Festivo and Vesuvius), being in chemistry, the StuCo lock-in, etc. and I was just getting really upset for some reason. Then I stopped on a dime for some reason. I think because I started thinking about the Cary Grant special I was about to watch (it was very good). Did you know he took LSD? I didn't like that. He got really old, I didn't like when he was old. "

I keep having all these odd epiphanies lately. For instance, I just realized how much I am going to miss Miriam. Now that I've forgiven her for shoving me into Isabel Allende's lap (literally), I have recognized how much I love our lively conversations and constant displays of one upmanship (we once argued over who understood more jokes in a Ben and Jerry's brochure...)

Anyways, today was kind of meh. I went to first hour, then left to go get coffee. Then I came back, but Cristina sent me and Kels out to get her some breakfast. I always forget how she is 30, and not like, 13. She is like a reverse Jennifer Garner! Went back to school at 2 for the NHS ice cream social, and drove to and from Megan's house a total of three times- that's a sure sign that summer is really on it's way. Off to pick up some Khyber, then MAYBE do my TOK paper, and then to third grade reunion. This should be an interesting evening...
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