May 15, 2005 22:18
Let's See I think I talked about Friday in my last entry...I forgot? Oh well I just write about it again, not like you really have to read Okay, Well I work up around 8 O'clock. Cleaned my room, and did some house woke, then took a shower. My cousins Didn't have school so they stopped by. They picked me up,and we ran around town. Then picked up my cousin and back to her house. I feel asleep for a few hours. Then woke up and got ready. Went to my aunts house( she really isn't my aunt, but I call her my Aunt.)And had my cousins 21 surprise party. That was Fun. Pistons Lost that Night.=[ Came home like around 12.
Saturday---* Woke up @ like 6:30 Got Ready,Because I had a Double Header in Port Huron. Got 2 the ScHoOl and everyone got on the bus then are coaches tell us it`s canceled. So me and Nikki went to Kate's house( Yet she Didn't know we were Commin)Snuck into her House, and jumped on her and alyssa,to wake them up. Then we rated Kates Closet. Thats always Fun! Hum.. Went to alyssa's House Because Kate Had Dance Till 4. So Hung out there.Kate's Mom Picked Us up, and then got Kate and it was off to the Mall.Hum... Was in Hollister for like 20 Billion Hours For Kate But Since I LoVe Kate I will Do anything For Her.Hum... Meet Nikki Up there. Then Went out to Texas Road House for Dinner seen Richie there. After that Went to Dario's House Till about 12 O'clock then Came Home and Talked on the Phone.
Sunday---* Work up and went to church. Cousins Came over and We ate KFC Gotta love it. Took a 3 hour Nap. Then Went on spark notes for that Book "Animal Farm" that I didn't Read. Ooops! My Bad. Then went to Hollywood Video For the "Animal Farm" Movie, Ya like that really is going to help. But ya whatever Kind Tired.Going to Bed
" Bless The Broken Roads"
P.s_ I want a New Background and Everything, Anyone want got any Ideas?