Oct 26, 2005 11:12
Why is it that when you think things couldnt possibly get any worse, they always manage to do so? Also, why is it that people tell you "not to worry" about certain things, when clearly they are things you should be worried about. I don't understand how some people can have such a fucking optimistic view on life - "don't let stress get you down! you're just gonna dig yourself a deeper grave!".... pffftttt. ya. right. My grave is really effing deep by now.
Anywho, Sunday was meh. We won our Div 1 game 2-1. It was an all right game. Trump put me mid - the only position I really DONT play. So I complained and got my wish - I played center D all second half. I had some ok runs. Then I had to umpire Blackheath vs. Lynx 2. I was so incredibly intimidated considering the coaches were Simon and Trump. I knew Trump wouldn't say anything, but I also knew she'd be thinking "What a horrible umpire" and I thought Simon would be on my ass the whole game. Oh and Denise Hall was playing, so Pat Hall was watching... all this on my FIRST Div 2 game. I hadn't touched a whistle since about March. Talk about pressure. Lazy ref aka Safety Man was reffing with me. I might have seemed a little better just because he sucks so much. I got a ride home with Pilar and Simon was in the car. We had some interesting talks. And by talks I mean that Simon made fun of me. Somehow we got on the topic of planes, and Simon stated that he doesn't know how they let me on a plane and that I should be in with the baggage. We then talked about how I would be put in a kennel and fed once a flight by a flight attendant. Now there's an interesting mental picture. I finished off the day with some Rising Stars, except I couldn't do anything because I messed up my knee again. It was a "core training" session. It was too easy, and I all ready knew everything so going to watch was a complete waste of time.
Monday we were back at school. YAY! I was so happy to be back. I don't think I'm as screwed as I thought that was because we only missed 9 days of instruction - 1 of which I was going to miss anyhow for Bridgman so I had the work for that day. So only 8 days. My dumbass of a Chem teacher assured me that we would be all right, but I dont believe her so I'm working ahead. Quast says we'll be fine and I believe him because he's actually a good teacher. Monday was also our first practice back - I really should have ran or something over the break. Its amazing how you can suck at running again after less than 2 weeks off. Monday night was spent catching up, just like the next eleventy billion trillion days will be.
Tuesday isnt even worth going over.
Today I decided to come home for lunch and spare and part of chem - in my opinion food is more important than learning. Oh and by the way, I had the best Bio class ever today, Mr Quast acted out how a carrier protein works with a stapler. It was pretty much the funniest thing I've ever seen. So yes, now here I am, updating my live journal rather than going to school. I love how lazy I am. After school we have our first game of islands. We drew south 3 for standings, but Hawk (Vic High) decided we were a more suiting team to be 1st so we switched. When Alan told me that I almost said "why? Because we run a 2 man show rather than a 1 man show?" but I held back. Alan wouldn't like that attitude. So we play Vic High after school today, and our other 2 pool games on Friday. Should be an interesting game. After I'm staying to watch some U18 boys play against some British team. Devon, Mark, Derrick, Gabe etc. are all playing so it should be a good game to watch. And I have to see Marky-poo hahaha. Poor kid, has to deal with me. I best be getting back to school.. cio for now!