Oct 03, 2005 23:07
So apparently my last entry sucked... jeez. I thought it was pretty good, but I guess Robyn's standards are pretty high.. so here it goes... keep in mind that I will probably be bitching the whole time but I am quite content with the way my life is going right now.
I'm far too lazy to explain my summer, so I'm going to start with the beginning of school. It's kind of terrifying to think that I will be graduating this year.. ME... LAURA.. the stupid blonde girl... but then again it will only be even more terrifying if I go away for uni. My classes are pretty good/easy. I have Bio, spare, Chem and Law. Except I don't actually have a spare anymore, I'm peer tutoring during that block. I'm such a nerd, I actually enjoy tutoring and I get credits and references for it. Not a bad trade if you ask me.
Hockey is going welllll... we're just past the middle of school hockey, which has been a blast this year as always. I enjoy ripping it up with Car, Kels and Dylan. Bridgman is this weekend!! It's always sooo much fun, and of course the tshirts are great. Club hockey is good too I suppose, we've only really had one game cause we had to forfeit the other. We lost to Cowichan this weekend because we were asleep first half. We'll kick them next time. Apparently I play center D on that team... oookkk. Strange people. I'm much better warming the bench on that team.
So thats pretty much my life, I dont really go out at all anymore - I've become quite the homebody to the despair of my mother. Turns out she kinda likes it when I go out, then she doesn't have to deal with me. So I went out this past weekend and had a good time. On Friday night I babysat Derrick all night.. someone had a tad too much to drink. Field hockey guys... ppffttt. Enough said. Saturday night I went out with Robin, Val and a new girl Heather who was cool. We went to some GNS party with random Oak Bay and Vic High kids which was surprisingly fun. I thought I could walk home, it was by Windsor park, but apparently people don't have as much faith in me as I have in myself so I was forced to get a ride home. Sunday I went to Vancouver to see MAMMA MIA with my mommy!! It was SOOOO good. Not as good as the last 2 times because this time it was a touring show rather than a permanent one, but still amazing. That was part of my birthday present, which is October 21.. mark it down on your calendars. I expect gifts and flowers and chocolate and all that jazz. Today I had a school hockey game vs. Reynolds which went ok. We won 1-0 and I scored. Yay. We kinda played like shit though. And by we I mean I played like shit. It doesn't even matter though, they're a AA team. Justine and Mom came out which was really nice :) and Brian and Graeme came because Gram's new girlfriend is on Reynolds. I wanted to kick her ass, I'm not really sure why because I dumped Gram, I guess it's just the principal of the whole thing. Unfortunately, we both play center forward so that was kinda difficult. Apparently I'm a "machine" though.. I think that means I'm a tank. Which isnt necessarily a bad thing. Anywho, enough rambling. Bed time. Maybe I'll update once a month from now on, we'll see. Have a good one.