Apr 14, 2004 23:09
Monday-I went over to Jessica's with Phil and Mike and we just hung out. We all watched T.V than went out on the trampoline. Then we came inside and was on the -LoOk OuT- for Jessica's dad...well Jessica and Phil were suposed to be...but lets not go there. Me and Mike were trying to download songs, and than mike went outside and than I did and scared the shyt outta him lmao. and we were on the Trampoline and than we went back inside and talked to Jessica and Phil and then Jessica's -DaD- came home...and we got caught inside lmao.
Tuesday-Well I babysat half the day. Then I went over to Stevens crib and played -BbAlL- with a bunch a people. I talked with his little sister -KrIsTa- you is a doll and I love her. We went inside and Chillaxed and watched some TV. that was basically my day.
Today-I went up to -McDoNaLdS- with some people cause we were hungry. Than I drove up to 7-11 and my mom got gas than I got a Slurpee and than we went to go pick up -MiChElLe- me and michelle hung out for awhile untill she had to leave. And I went over to -JeRs- to talk and play some bball...were now friends agian, he finally forgave me after like 5 months for saying no to him when he asked me out. lmao.
Jessica Marie- I love you to death. Your like my freakin sister and No matter what Im here for you. Guys There no good forget them. You can do so much better. Just believe and keep your head up and smile. You are perfect and you deserve so much. never change! best friends till heaven takes us both.
Mandi-I Miss You.
xo_xo Lauren