Apr 07, 2004 21:08
1st Hour: took notes...and got a worksheet...I have a B+...my grade has improved
2nd Hour: got into class and my clay dried out and mrs hunt wouldnt let me start over so I like am failing the project
3rd Hour: sat through lecture agian...
4th Hour: went in the weight room and sat around because I cant lift anything
5th Hour: studied for the quiz
6th Hour: Jezske was gay agian so it was boring as hell
After School: Brian took me to Mc Donalds after school cause hes nice and I was hungry. I got my # 5 with a coke as normal. I came home and talked to chris and he wanted to no if I wanted to go to the wings game with him. But my dads gay and wouldnt let me go. hardcore Wings fan right here and my dad has to be gay like normal. Zach came over because I have to watch his birds and the dog while hes in Flordia...Im jealous...we just hung out for a little. and I went to Practice and now im home on here.
Happy Birthday Vita
If every word
I said...
Could make you laugh
I'd talk forever...
xo_xo Lauren
...thank god for amanda emch...