Stolen from Ashley - 2008 in Review

Dec 08, 2008 18:04

Sooo I forgot how to cut things, so you'll just have to deal. Take that, LJers!



1. Who kissed you on New Years?
Dave - i think i cake all over my face from Sallee and my cake fight.

2. Did you have a New Year's Resolution this year?
I don't do resolutions because I generally don't keep them.

3.Does it snow where you live?

4 Do you like hot chocolate?

5. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?
No..and I missed it the past few years since I was in Australia.


1. Who was your Valentine?
The hubs

2. When you were little did you buy Valentine's for the whole class?

3 Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not?
I could care less.

4. What did you receive for Valentine's Day?
Flowers I think

5. What did you give for Valentine's Day?
Probably a whole lotta nothing haha


1. Are you Irish?

2. Do you like corne​d beef and cabbage?
I like corned beef. Could skip the cabbage though

3. What did you do for St Patrick's Day?

4 Are you happy when winter is pretty much over?

5 Do you get tons of candy for Easter?
No and never really did


1 Do you like the rain?
Love the rain and thunder/lightening storms

2 Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year?
I don't think so

3 Do you celebrate 4/20?
Definitely not.

4. Do you love the month of April?
Meh..I like spring - not specifically April

5 Your birthday is in April isn't it?
March, but good try.


1. What is your favorite flower?
Peonies or hydrangeas

2. Finish the phrase "April showers…"
bring may flowerssss

3. Do you celebrate May 16th:National Piercing Day?
I didn't know it existed

4. Is May anything special to you?


1. What year did/will you graduate from high school?

2 Did you do anything fun during this Month?
Played bball and had lots of fun with friends before I left Oz.

3 Have a favorite baseball team?
I don't like watching baseball.


1. What did you do on the 4th of July?
I think I was wrapping up loose ends at work...Australians don't celebrate the 4th, so nothing special.

2 Did you go to the fireworks?

3 Did you blast the A/C all day?
Definitely not! I was probably wrapped up in blankets and warm clothes since it was winter.


1. What was your favorite summer memory of '08?
I loved that time...hung out with great friends, played bball, quit my job, went to Bali and moved back to the US. ha, busy!

2. Did you have a sunburn?
A slight one when I went to Bali.

3. Did you go to the pool a lot?
Seeing as it was winter, no.


1. So you like September?
It was pretty good.

2 Do you like fall better than summer?
I like both.

3. What happened this month?
I was in my first month of grad school.


1. What was your last Halloween costume?
I don't remember the last time I dressed up for Halloween. I think my last year of college in 2006 when Jeff and I dressed as twins.

1a) Do you like this month?
Yes, my husband got to the US this month.

2. What is your favorite candy?
What does this have to do with October? I like peanut M&Ms, hershey milk choc bar with almonds..I'm not really a huge candy fan. I like salty stuff.

3. What was your favorite thing(s) about this month?
My husband being allowed in the country.

3b. Least favorite things?
working in a job I don't really like but pays the bills


1. Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving?
My mom and dad's in Florida

2. What are you thankful for?
My friends and family and a relatively good life

3. Do you love stuffing?
I never really did until this mom made a cornbread and sausage stuffing. YUM.

4. Anything special in this month?
Not really..

1. Do you celebrate Christmas?
Yep..but we're pretty low key.

2. Have you ever been kissed under the mistletoe?
Yes ;)

3. Get anything special last year?
Money was probably the highlight. My husband is great at picking out gifts that I would NEVER pick for myself (and not in a good way lol)

4. What do you want this year?
Time with family and friends. This will be the first Christmas with my family in 3 years.

5. What do you love most about December?
A break from school and spending time at home
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