Jul 11, 2005 23:06
The funny thing is that I never came back well WHAt HAS BEEN GOING ON MY LIFE RIGHT NOW????? Well I got back from work at the Library and me Aarabhi and Elizabeth had nothing to do which was realli strange cause Mondays are usually the busyest cause Parents are off work bring their kids to READ and make a mess which I HAVE to CLEAN Up so ya i was home at like 8ish and then I went to Blockbuster and so there was this realli weird girl that was there and she was well acting weird ( it was very hard to explain ) ... so i watched Hide and Seek .... wow Dakota Fannning was SOOO not cute in this movie ...she wasnt realli in War of the Worlds (awesome movie) either .....ummm I just got back from Washington Dc it was soo amazing expecially on the 4th with all of the Parades and the Fireworks were AWESOME they were right over the Washington Monument ( I had to stay in a park and hold our spot in this park for us to get good seats for like 4 hours ( I slept) but I went to the Smithsonians and saw and read everything .....I even went to this Sculpture one ( forgot the name ) well there was a 6ft slab of butter in the middle of this huge empty room and when u go to exit that room there is like a 12 ft COMPETELY NAKED BALD MAN (it was sort of scary ) I had such an awesome time I ate ice cream by Licoln that had this great view it was a very good trip and I will show u guys all of the many pictures I took ~xoxo Lauren