Since my exams are over, and university starts in one week
(yeah! that's really fast! I know!!)
My copy of Arashi's new
album is gonna arrive in a month!!
but since the new songs are out everywhere I managed to listen to them!!
and I gotta say that my favorite solo
is definitely Nino's one:
It's really good, the lyrics and melody are good and the piano sounds great!!!
it's so sweet and cute! Nino never dissapoints me.
I'm not sure what the tittle means, some says that means "Arigatou" but I've read somewhere that it means "Tokubetsu" (Special) and in his last radioshow he refered to this song as "Tokubetsu"
...So I'm personally going with "Tokubetsu"
I also like Sho's news solo "T.A.B.O.O" and Jun's solo "Come back to me" wich make me wanna dance!!
I feel like I'm is a disco!!XD
Oh!! I almost forgot Riida!! His new solo is good and his voice is so good!!
You can feel the sadness and emotions that the lyrics express!!
I'm also looking forward to this performance on their concert!!
(too bad I can't go T-T )
In the album there's also a song call "Gift" wich is really nice and I didn't knew it was dedicated to mothers
but when I found out that it all maked more sense!!
It has a beautiful meaning!!
"Summer splash", "Circus" and "Movin' on" are my favorites among their group songs.
Lastly, I don't know but I don't like Aiba's solo "Magical Song" ,
his previous solos are good and I liked them but this one has something....uhm...My opinion will probably change after watching his performance .
Anyway...overall the album is really good: cheerfull songs, new rhythms and good lyrics!!!
It's a really good album!!!
Can't wait for my copy to arrive!!