Jan 14, 2004 19:59
Went to work, complained. Went to zellers with Jen, complained. Realized that Jen is the biggest cheap-o ever. She has a wallet just for discount cards (with at least 40 cards). I got these capsule things that you drop in water and they turn into sponge-friends. The blue ones are a weird shape that I can't tell exactly what it is. So I asked random people on the street. most frequent answer: I don't know?
My mother is coming to visit me soon,(all the way from newmarket) I'm going to show her off to all my friends here.
Making plans with Jordan for Cale's 19th Birthday Party for the 23rd (hope it goes through I'd like to come home for a couple of days to see my mom)
The 24th- Hanging out with Liora.. (and maybe Dan?+ Amanda?)
I hate it when one weekend is jam packed and the next is dead.