Sep 02, 2008 10:12
yep,Chaos is an understatement to how my life has totally fallen apart at the seams as of late.
And yes this is the rare personal entry I never like to put here 'cause no one gives a damn about me enough to read it and respond anyways.If you still love me,read on.
Job=I love my job but I'm not making enough money to get by on it as petty cash on top of what Scott makes.I really don't want to get another one because my current job pays me cash.Unreported cash.And I have IRS trouble already,I don't want to leave a paper trail just yet.I still have two years of back taxes to file.
And why haven't I filed them? Because I owe on them and I don't have the means to pay it.It's only a matter of time before it catches up with me and I end up in prison for tax evasion.Lucky me.
Home=totally fucked up. I've moved and there's still boxes everywhere.And Scott has been hounding me HARD to throw it all out.ALL of it,the bastard.He doesn't understand how difficult it is to just take a lifetime and toss it in the dumpster.He says it's easy,sure it's easy when it isn't your own stuff.
Scott=on the edge of either killing me or killing himself.He's not making enough to support both of us.He hates his job and has been on his friends ass daily to get a new job project underway so we can move again.If it goes through and gets set up,I may end up in Atlanta Georgia.Imagine how traumatic that move is gonna be for me when I've lived in Illinois/Wisconsin my whole life? Not looking forward to that possibility.
(And no I don't want to hear any bullshit replies about going to AWA,thank you.)
Me=unhinged would be a good word.I'm seriously having a problem with detatchment to toss out a whole lifetime.I'm fed up with selfish ignorance of everyone around me,both online and in the real world.As a result I'm hanging on by one last thread that is about to break.
My Chapterhouse project is off to a slow start but I'm very happy with it so far.I only wish I knew how to tap into the larger span of contact out there to get it moving a little faster.But once again,to add to my misery,keeping an internet connection has been a challenge of epic proportions and my monitor is dying fast and I don't have another one nor can get one if this thing goes.Just my fucking luck.
I wonder exactly how many people would attend my funeral if I died tomorrow?
Answer me that,then maybe I might have a reason to go on living.:(