the pages keep on turnin'

Jul 20, 2010 22:14

Hola, my dearest flist. ♥ Man, I am having One'a Those Days. In order to stave off that "nothing is riiiight, I am uuuseless" feeling, I'm attempting to be an adult and get stuff done, with various degrees of success. Phone calls: check, flist-checking: check, emails: still woefully behind. Le sigh. Oh well, some days are like that, I s'pose. Though that doesn't particularly change the fact that I want to go hide in a cave till morning. *scrunches face*

In other news, I had a chunk of work to do last week for the first time in a while, which, yay, money! JESUS CAN I EVER USE MONEY. But on the other hand, boo, not getting to fill as many prompts at blindfold_spn as I meant to. XD Priorities, I has them? I ended up filling three things over there, but I'm not sure I'm going to own up to any of them. They're just... so much dirtier than anything I normally write, or any porn I've written before. Seriously. I mean, my m.o. with porn is generally "these two are in loooove, look at how into each other they are and how hot they get each other, isn't that awesome," but this stuff? FILTHY FILTHY TRASH. Fiiilthy. *covers face* The thought of admitting I wrote 'em makes me squirmy and blushy with mortification, so, y'know, I may not. Still waffling.


In order to make this less of a useless entry, have some Supernatural/CWRPF female-centric fic recs in no order! Because ladies are awesome. ♥

She walks like she's on a mission by latentfunction
It was Ellen's idea at first: Pam was freshly out of the hospital, and since Jo was in the area, she should stop by. Jo only meant to stay for a night, but she wound up making a temporary home base at Pam's house. In between changing bandages and chasing down seal-breakers, Jo found herself in a budding partnership, in more than one sense of the word. Jo/Pamela, 38K, NC-17.
This is so, so well-done. The Jo voice is absolutely incredible, and the way this works into canon is amazing and heart-wrenchy. It's a very Supernatural fic in that it's rooted in the hunters' world, but it's really such a different view from the Winchesters', and I love that. It makes me think about canon in new and exciting ways! I can't say enough good things about this fic; just go and read it, trust me.

Pit Stop by valiant
Jo and Jess, on the road. Jo/Jess, unsurprisingly; NC-17.
Holy damn, this fic is RIDICULOUSLY hot--and packs a surprising emotional punch for being rather short. I'm kind of in love with the idea of these two hunting together now.

En Travesti by lazy_daze
Danneel/Genevieve, ~3700 words, NC-17. Warnings: sort-of infidelity but not angsty, mild D/s, roleplay/crossdressing/genderplay themes.
Scorchingly well-done porn, but that shouldn't be a surprise since this is lazy_daze we're talking about, now should it? That aside, this also has really lovely subtle and achy emotional undertones. I read fics with infidelity in them extremely rarely because it's a major turn-off for me, but it's handled with gentle skill here, and it really works. As does the delicious genderplay. *grin*

Four Times Kat Cried and One Time She Didn't by scintilla10
Gen ficlet, centering on Kat from "Asylum".
Actually, everything in that post is good; scintilla10's female characters are always excellent, and all these ficlets are no exception. This one is a particular favorite of mine, though--it's very believable, and I just love the Kat she creates here, well-rounded and kick-ass. I would love to read more about her adventures as a hunter, but this little slice is more than enough to get the feel of a whole universe across awesomely.

YAY GIRLS. Hope you find something you like in there! There needs to be more fic about the ladies in SPN/CWRPF. I may have some plans to help fix this.

irl, yay for gay, supernatural, cwrpf, my this is a bit embarrassing, porn, gen, girls kick ass, specifically femslash, recs

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