Hi everyone! It's Monday, and that means it's time for me to try make the start of your week more enjoyable by sharing awesome links with you. Whoohoo!
Things to Awesome-Up Your Monday
Letters of Note is basically a blog that collects amazing, interesting, and historically significant letters, posts scans, and transcribes them. SO AWESOME. *_* I love correspondence, and this is such a great collection of it! If you need some convincing that this is amazing, check out
this one from David Bowie. (Oh, David Bowie. Every time I think I couldn't love you more . . . )
2. Party in the USA in ASL. 'Kay, look, I don't really care if you hate Party in the USA or Miley Cyrus--I'm not particularly crazy about the song, and I'm DEFINITELY not particularly crazy about Miley Cyrus, hahaha, but--WATCH THIS. It's amazingly likeable; this guy has a really great performance personality AND ASL is goooooorgeous (I wish I spoke it) and this is just such a great showcase of its awesomeness. *happy sigh* He has other songs on his channel, too!
Click to view
3. Space (the final frontier)! Okay, you guys probably know by now that I'm fascinated with space, BUT IF YOU DON'T, I absolutely am. Which is why these
CRAZY-AWESOME SPACE PHOTOS wanttobeatree sent me delight me so. The photos run down the right side of the article--click them for bigger versions + an explanation of what's going on in the photo, and click on the picture on the resulting page for an EVEN bigger version of the photo. AWESOME.
4. SPEAKING OF SPACE, did you guys catch the news about that extremely mysterious giant spiral over Norway? Head over
here for an explanation of what caused it and some amazing pictures. SO CRAZY! It looks like something right out of a scifi movie.
5. Okay, last space link, I promise.
If they had Facebook in Star Wars. 6. Mobius Bagel.
Click to view
7. This video about the CRUEL GOD OF TETRIS.
8. Just in case you haven't seen this yet: Gay Top Gun is a webseries that, well, basically, took Top Gun and made it FAAABULOUS. This is hilarious, though be warned, it's six videos long and certainly NSFW. *grin* SO worth it, though. Includes lines such as "I like that in a pilot. I also like my dick in a pilot." Found on the tumblr of actress Natalie Morales, who is clearly hilarious.
Click to view
9. *grin* You probably need something indisputably adorable to mitigate Gay Top Gun's insanity, yeah? So I give you: adorable interspecies friendship! YAY.
Check out this article that
wanttobeatree linked me to about A LION, A TIGER, AND A BEAR THAT ARE BFFS. No I am not kidding you; go look, it is the cutest thing I have read all week.
10. And on that note:
Click to view
:D and that's it for this week! I hope something in here made your Monday more awesome--if not, holler, and I'll look for something even better. :D And as always, if you have anything ~awesome~ to suggest for next week, let me know in the comments or PM me!
AND NOW: a question, my friends. The fact is I am actually a little bit behind on my very informal "I wanted to post Item A this week" schedule because I keep finding and getting sent SO MUCH awesome stuff. So, since I have some extra awesome saved up, where do you think I should put it?