Meme: find one or two pieces you wrote when you were younger. Post one unintentionally hilarious line from each--you know, something you probably thought was BRILLIANT and EARTH-SHATTERING at the time, but now makes you burst into laughter.
1. He was not weak, of course, but he had the strength of the lone wolf instead of the impressive strength of the bear which his brothers possessed.
2. His trademark wide, charming grin had become a twisted mockery of a smile; his juggling, half-hearted; his daring stunts, pulled off with a casual air of disinterest.
Okay, in my defense, the second one was supposed to be like a romance novel. So from that point of view, I . . . succeeded. If you can call failure success. *grin*
So I have a twitter, but mainly I only use it to log in and read celebrity stuff when I feel the urge. Recently, however, it occurred to me that maybe I should actually follow some of you lovely people over there. So if you have one, comment and let me know what it is! Or I'll stalk you and try to find out, if I remember. Mine is pearapples.
Also, I woke up this morning and had the hold music of the IRS stuck in my head. It has VERY SPECIFIC hold music, okay--I dunno what's up with that.