Once again my enemy returns...

Oct 15, 2008 11:03

Aye, talking to you...subject bar... ¬_¬

So, I thought it was probably about high time I actually made another update. I don't know what it is, but I since moving I haven't really bothered about updating my LJ, though I'm always checking it to read all my friends updates. xD

Life up here is a lot better now, though I 've found I'm having to find my feet once more in regards to dealing with money. Its been so long since I've been earning more than £300 a month, that now that I'm back over the 6-700 pound mark, I'm all like "Ooooooooooooooo SHINEY OBJECTS!!! :3!!!!" *buy buy buy* 
I think after today I will have to try and not spend any more money on things I don't need. I still have enough for all the stuff I have to pay out, like my travel ticket and bills and such, so I should be okay.

Things with Jodie are going well. ^_^ I have to say that I'm enjoying my relationship with her. I t certainly feels like a proper relationship as opposed to the others I have been in which have all just died after a few months due to not having anything in common with each other. But I have a lot in common with Jodie, and that helps I think, because there is so much more we can share and do together.

Work seems to be going okay. Its good being back at Byker Morrisons because I know everyone that still works on Fresh Food, so settling back in has been very quick and easy. And because of this work has been kind of enjoyable of late, apart from all the nob-end customers, who haven't been helping my panic/anger attacks too much.
I haven't had any for a few months... but I've come sooo close to exploding on a customer who sees fit to belittle me and treat me like crap because they are shopping and I only stack shelves.
So I have been trying to look work, though I have to admit, not too hard. I mean, I'm in a job that pays enough for the minute, so I can't really complain... but it still doesn't stop me looking in the job papers once or twice a week, just in case. ;)

I have been trying to get back into writing but sadly with little success. I picked up a writing mag the other week and it listed a load of contests, but I just haven't had the time what with work and this Tale of Painters contest that I am in with some of the other members of Team Shroom.
Still, I carry my pad about with me, just in case I get a bit of time at work during lunch or on a train.. even if its just a page or two of something I'm never going to use again, its still writing.

As for the Team Shroom Tale of Painters, its going well... well, in general its going well... for me, its going quite badly XD!!
I got a huuuuuuge ZERO points in the first round for failing to finish anything, and now that the second round has started I find myself with two rounds worth to paint. Its doable, but it'll be hard.
The only thing that I have on myside is that three others got zero points also, where as the other two got the full five points for the round. However, in this round there are 8 points to try and bag as this round see the start of the gaming side of the ToP.
Still, I guess we'll see what happens. :)  I'm sure going to give a good crack anyway, and if I have to play with unfinished models, I'll just have to accept the -1 point loss.

Anywho, I best get off and start painting! 
Mind you, I am going to try and update this more often xD

Till next time!
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