So I've been squeezing my brain juices to think of different styles of icons. Here is a type of icons that I've come up with. It's probably been done before. SO! Enjoy these few, and to participate in this Icon Crash Test, tell me if you'd like to see more of them.
Quote Icons
Of course, everyone's seen those infamous quote icons before...the ones with quotes in arial black, usually in warm, eye-pleasing colours. Well, I just tried adding a bit of imagery to the quote. To sorta "bring you back" to the scene where the quote was said. So yes. I'm pretty sure this was probably done before but yay. If you came up with this idea before me, please don't stab me anywhere.
Add me if you want to
P.S. The quote for #2 may not be accurate. If you know what the exact quote was, please tell me!