Title: Mind Over Matter
Author: LaughtersMelody
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Disclaimer: Atlantis isn't mine, and okay, fine, I won't keep Rodney and Sheppard all to myself, lol. I'll be sure to clone them, I promise. ;)
Genre: Friendship/Adventure/Angst
Pairing: N/A
Type: Multi-chapter
Spoilers: In this chapter, only a reference to "Aurora."
Characters: Rodney
Secondary Characters: Sheppard
Summary: When Sheppard returns from bereavement leave after his father's death, a discovery leads Atlantis to a new world and potentially valuable allies. But a secret from the planet's past might just wind up costing Rodney and Sheppard their lives.
A/N: We've finally come around to where the fic began, so you'll get to see just what happens to Rodney after that first scene. :D And don't worry, there are still four more chapters to go, so the fic isn't over yet.
As always, I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without Him, I would be utterly lost.
I hope you enjoy it, and please let me know what you think!
Mind Over Matter
Chapter 6
Countdown: Zero hour…
Rodney wasn't sure if Amirelle hadn't heard him, or if she was just that sadistic, but he'd been yelling for fifteen minutes, the droids still weren't there, and his hands were starting to hurt from hitting the door.
Rodney spun around immediately, and rushed back across the cell. "Sheppard!"
Sheppard was slumped sideways, watching Rodney with bleary, pain-filled eyes. "Thought I…told you…not to give in," he managed breathlessly, an edge of accusation in his voice.
"Yeah, about that…" Rodney grimaced. "Sorry. But you're…and I…I can't…" I can't just watch you die like this. He gave up trying to explain and cleared his throat. "Being stuck in a computer probably won't be that bad, right? I mean, no more citrus allergies. Or hypoglycemia. It'll probably save time, too - no typing." He'd been trying for optimistic, but it came out sounding mostly desperate, and he was rambling now, but he just couldn't seem to stop himself. "No need for food, either. And no sleep - imagine how much more I'll be able to get done. That alone, will-"'
"-make up for being technically dead, and…"
Rodney's mouth snapped shut. He swallowed hard. "What?"
"S'okay. I…have…a plan."
"You do?"
Rodney opened his mouth to ask what that plan could possibly be and how Sheppard had managed to come up with one at all, but before he could say anything, the cell door slid open.
The droids strode inside and hauled Sheppard to his feet. They ignored Rodney's angry protests at the rough treatment as they dragged them both out into the corridor, and back to Amirelle's lab.
She was waiting for them when they arrived.
She smiled. "Dr. McKay. I knew you would come to see the benefits-"
"Yes, yes, enough with the gloating," Rodney snapped impatiently. "I agreed. You win. Now help Sheppard!"
Amirelle's eyes narrowed. "No."
"No? But you said-"
"You will undergo the procedure first, and then I will administer the neutralizing agent."
"But, you…" Rodney's shoulders slumped. The longer he stood there arguing, the worse Sheppard would get. "Okay. Fine. Just-"
"No, Rodney," Sheppard interrupted. "She's lying. Don't-"
"Keep him quiet!" Amirelle ordered.
One of the droids swung the butt of its gun into Sheppard's stomach. Sheppard made a strangled noise, and dropped to his knees, arms wrapping protectively around his abdomen. He toppled sideways a moment later, eyes squeezed shut.
"Sheppard!" Rodney started forward to help him, but the sound of the droids charging their weapons brought him up short. He turned to glare at Amirelle. "If you do that again, I'll-"
"You'll what, Dr. McKay?" she challenged.
That was a good question, actually.
Rodney winced, some of his bluster fading. "Look, I'll…I'll do whatever you want. Just…don't hurt Sheppard anymore," he said finally.
"Stop these ridiculous delaying tactics and I won't," Amirelle returned. "You agreed to this, and I expect your cooperation. Unless, you'd prefer to see how much pain Colonel Sheppard will experience in another hour? Of course, the damage from the enzyme will be quite serious by then - perhaps even fatal."
"No!" Rodney yelled. He drew a deep breath. "No," he repeated. "Let's just…get this over with."
Amirelle smiled and nodded to the large machine suspended from the ceiling. It looked like a jumble of spare parts at first glance, but a long metal slab below it, complete with restraints, made it obvious that it was more than it appeared. "Lay down," Amirelle ordered.
Rodney hesitated just half a second longer, then started to make his way uneasily across the lab. A low moan from Sheppard made him pause.
"Keep going," Amirelle commanded coldly. She turned to her droids. "If Sheppard moves, shoot him - I don't want him to interfere."
Rodney grimaced but did what he'd been told, not stopping until he reached the slab. He pulled himself up onto it, and reluctantly laid back.
The metal restraints snapped closed with a loud clang, and Rodney swallowed hard, feeling the sharp edges of the cuffs dig into his wrists and ankles. Two other bands slid around his throat and forehead, holding him firmly in place. His heart hammered in his chest as he looked up at the machine looming above him.
"This is going to hurt, isn't it?" he managed.
"Yes," Amirelle admitted. "But it will be brief. Once your conscious mind is separated from your body, the pain will cease."
"You know," Rodney retorted, his voice cracking, "that really doesn't make me feel any better."
Amirelle didn't answer, just watched impassively as the machine lowered into position, stopping inches from Rodney's head.
Rodney shivered on the cold metal slab he was shackled to, feeling the chill even through his clothing, and tried to look around. He couldn't turn his head, but he could still see Sheppard out of the corner of his eye. He was on the floor, laying on his right side, his breaths coming in rapid, ragged gasps. His eyes were closed - he was probably unconscious.
Rodney just hoped it wasn't too late for the antidote to work, and that Amirelle would keep her word when he was…well, when this was over. He wasn't sure what he'd be able to do if she didn't, but he'd think of something. He wasn't going to let Sheppard die. Though, Rodney thought, a little annoyed, it would, of course, be just like Sheppard to go and die before anyone else could.
The machine whined suddenly, and Rodney swallowed again, his mouth and throat dry.
Then, he shut his eyes, and waited for the end to come.
The whine grew louder, and Rodney cringed as heat started to build up at his temples. He was bracing for the worst when the sound of weapons fire made his eyes snap open. He still couldn't turn his head, but could make out a figure running towards him. Sheppard!
The droids were shooting at Sheppard as he ran, but he dropped low, and the shots hit the machine instead.
Sparks flew, singeing the sleeve of Rodney's jacket, making him flinch. Amirelle's inhuman shriek of rage filled the lab as the whining of the machine died down, and the restraints unlocked. Rodney was so stunned that he was still alive and still in his own body that it took him a moment to register that he was free.
Sheppard's voice finally broke through his shock. "Rodney! Get down!"
As Rodney scrambled off of the slab and down to the floor, a beam hit the slab where he'd been laying just seconds before.
He crouched next to Sheppard and glared at him. Sheppard had obviously been pretending to be unconscious earlier, but if that was the case, then that meant…"This was your plan?" Rodney demanded incredulously, yelling to be heard over the blaster fire. "Get them to shoot at you and hope they missed?"
Sheppard smirked a little. "They didn't…miss. Not where it counted."
He looked up pointedly, and Rodney followed his gaze. The machine was a smoking, charred mess, still sparking.
"KILL THEM!" Amirelle screamed. "KILL THEM BOTH! NOW!"
"This way!" Sheppard yelled as the droids kept firing. Staying low, Sheppard ran for the exit, Rodney close behind.
As soon as they reached the corridor, Sheppard stumbled, using the wall to brace himself as he doubled over in pain. Rodney jumped as another shot just barely missed his foot, leaving a scorch mark on the floor. He grabbed Sheppard's free arm, slung it over his shoulder, and pulled him down the hallway as fast as he could.
"This was a stupid plan!" Rodney accused between gasps for air.
"It worked…didn't it?" Sheppard retorted, grimacing, his voice strained. "'Sides…the droids…don't seem…very bright, and there…can't be that…many of them."
It was a valid argument - Amirelle couldn't have built that many droids, given what she had to work with - but they had one, very important advantage: they were armed!
As if to make Rodney's point, a beam of light streaked down the corridor, hitting the wall just inches from Sheppard's head. Rodney yelped and dragged Sheppard farther down the hall. He could feel Sheppard trembling next to him, muscles shaking. The earlier adrenaline rush had obviously worn off - he was pale, his eyes bright with pain. How long had it been since he'd been injected with the enzyme, anyway?
Rodney desperately tried to calculate it as they ran - a little over an hour, maybe? That gave them…half an hour tops before the damage would probably be permanent if not lethal.
Alright, so they needed to take out the droids and get the antidote too, all without getting killed in the meantime…
Rodney started moving even faster, and felt Sheppard sag a little more beside him. He obviously wasn't going to be a lot of help right now, so it was up to Rodney to get them out of this. And he could. Really. Sheppard had saved his life, and now it was Rodney's turn. That was just how it worked.
Rodney drew a deep breath. Okay, think. Think, think, think. First things first, they need to get out of the open - they were sitting ducks out here. They needed some place where they could regroup, put a little distance between themselves and the droids.
Rodney mentally snapped his fingers. This base was of Ancient design, and it seemed to be from the same design class as that ship they'd found…the…the…what's it's name…the Aurora! That's why the design was familiar! And, the layout was probably similar to the ruins they'd found on M7G-677. He could use that. He just needed to-
Rodney skidded to a halt as Amirelle materialized ahead of them. Her laughter seemed to fill the base. "You can't escape, Dr. McKay!" she mocked. "I am everywhere!"
Rodney's gaze darted desperately around. Amirelle was blocking the corridor so they had to-
He would have smacked himself if he had a free hand.
Amirelle was a hologram. An intangible hologram.
He charged forward, taking Sheppard with him, running straight through her and wincing as the electrical charge of the hologram brushed over his skin.
Amirelle shrieked again, enraged, but Rodney kept going.
He ran into the first room he saw and pounded frantically on what seemed to be the door controls. Thankfully, the controls worked. Except…wait. They shouldn't have worked, because…
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" Rodney exclaimed frantically.
"What is it now?" Sheppard asked, still out of breath.
"The doors are linked to the computer, and Amirelle controls the computer…Amirelle is the computer! She's this entire base! And that means-"
The door in front of them locked, and emergency bulkheads slammed into place around the rest of the room, cutting off every exit.
"-we have another problem," Rodney admitted.
They were trapped.
A/N: You didn't think they'd get out of this easily, did you, lol? ;)
I forgot to mention this in the last couple chapters, but if you like the way I've portrayed Sheppard's relationship with his family, I've written a few other fics involving Sheppard's family:
Before A Fall which is from Patrick Sheppard's POV, about his relationship with his son;
Boots a drabble from Nancy's POV;
Regrets a Sheppard POV companion piece to "Boots;" and "Decisions," a short series of AUs about three choices Sheppard never made. If you read them, I hope you enjoy them.
The next chapter should be up in a few days.
Take care and God bless!
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 |
Chapter 7 |
Chapter 8 |
Chapter 9 |
Chapter 10 |