Title: A Man In Uniform
Author: LaughtersMelody
Rating: G
Fandom: Dark Angel
Disclaimer: I don’t own Dark Angel. But that’s okay. I’ve still got Alec. ;)
Genre: General, with hints of romance
Pairing: Max/Alec.
Type: Drabble.
Spoilers: This takes place sometime post-Freak Nation, but there are no real spoilers.
Characters: Max
Secondary Characters: Alec
Summary: She’d never understood what was so great about a man in uniform.
A/N: This was inspired by a picture of Jensen in a uniform for the play, “A Few Good Men.” I just couldn’t resist, lol.
A/N2: As always, all the credit for this goes to the Lord. Without Him, I would never be able to write anything. :)
Dedicated to my wonderful friend
sophie_deangirl, who always encourages my inner fan-girl.
A Man In Uniform
Max didn’t know what she’d been expecting.
Yeah, Alec had said he knew a guy who could probably scrounge up a uniform from somewhere. And yeah, Alec was the one who'd be playing the part of an Air Force officer, so it made sense that he’d be wearing the uniform...
But knowing that, and actually seeing it, were two different things, and whatever she’d been expecting, this wasn’t it.
Alec stood in the middle of command, wearing crisp, Air Force dress-blues, rank insignia pinned to his collar, ribbons decorating his chest.
He looked like the soldier he really was, but different somehow. Prouder. He stood a little straighter, held his head a little higher.
It looked good on him.
“So,” Alec grinned, “do I pass inspection?”
Max could only nod.
A/N: I know that in "A Few Good Men," Jensen wore a JAG uniform, but I couldn't resist putting him in Air Force dress blues. Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think!
Take care and God bless!