Jul 21, 2006 22:47
I'm in a very rant-tastic spazmatic mood right now, so deal with it.
Fuck i really hate the way that Soco Amaretto Lime ends. record scratch off? Bitch please.
Voting. I hate that our democracy is crumbling. Voting is at an all time low. Thousands of men and women risked and gave their lives for our country. So that we could have a voice. And not even half of the population even votes! Honestly! It takes 3 minutes. In and out.
If you are eligible to vote and you dont, you have absolutely NO right what so ever to complain about the government. If you don't like the way something is, then change it. You do have a voice. Complaining wont get you anywhere, you actually have to put a little bit of effort into it. America (whether you like it or not ) was founded on great ideals. The government at the current moment may not be maknig you happy so that's why we're supposed to vote. So that if we don't like something with can change it. We live in a DEMOCRACY! If you hate America so much, leave. Do everyone a fucking favor and get the fucknig hell out of my country.
Immigrants. I think it's wonderful that America appeals to such a diverse group of people. But if you are coming here, there is a system and you have to go through the system. There's a reason for it. True we completely came in and obliterated the Indians and if anyone has a right to complain about Immagrints it's the indians but still, they want to intigrate into our country so they have to register, pay taxes. Just like every other citizen has to. What makes them so much more special?
The environment. Energy reforms have to be made. Global warming is an impeding threat. We're slowly killing ourselves. Hydro electricity is starting to climb the charts and is being used as a power supply for 20% of the world. Wind power is probably the most efficient. It's an endless supply. Free. Effective. Why not use it?!Why arent we investing in more measure to conserve our world for our children, grand children, etc.? Fuck. this is really getting to me and has been all day. I could scream about this.
Laziness. Why is it that there are so few self motivated kids anymore?!What happened to goals besides getting a date, getting laid, winning a contest. What about bettering yourself and there by bettering the world?! Why are so few people concerned with taking time out of their consumerist lives and helping those who have NOTHING?! I understand that it's not for some people, some people can't deal with the emotional energy, or the physical activity. But can't you spare a dollar for a cause? Or even a prayer? Pray to whatever god you believe in, people are hurting and yet so many people have no real yearning to help them to this i say WHAT THE FUCK?!
You know...we are not as intellectually stimulated as we once were. I love technology but it is starting to do our thinking for us. I babysat this week and most fo the time the kids wanted to play with their video games. Honestly, what is happening to imaginations?! What about going outside, scraping your knees, riding your bike, rolling down hills?! We are coming up with fewer and fewer inventive ideas.
What about books?! When is the last time you read a book not for school. Or even when is the last time you finished a book you were supposed to read for school?! I hate seeing people say that books are boring, dumb, a waste of time!!! Books are amazing. They can transform your world into a Wizarding school, a park, the ocean, turn you into a hero, a villain, a singer, an elf, a giant. Books are great. The creativenes and ingenuity that is radiated is amazing. Open yourself up to a plethora of ideas and dreams and expectations. Jokes, love, and adventure lie in books. Open one up. Before your mind shrivels up. And i mean c'mon. People used to speak so poetically. Where has all of the magic of words gone to?
Exercise. Its good for you mentally and physically. It will keep your body in shape and give you endorphines (which mak you happy!).