Question about Sending Love

Jun 08, 2012 08:31

Daidi asked a practical question in our "Living on love" group and got a lot of answers. Here is a question:

Daidi Hecht:
guys i have a serious question. i talked with a good friend about sending love today. and how she does the actual sending. she just imagines the love in her chest and how she sends it. and for me thats so so hard. i cant imagine those pictures in my brain. its all foggy i dont have clear pictures in my mind. and just by imaganing love sneding does not work or it doesnt feel like its right for me maybe? i always have to describe in my brain with my inner voice what iam doing.
is that good or bad?
how do you guys do that? just imaganing or are you talking to your self in your brain?

I also gave him 2 answers:

- neither can I imagine clear pictures in my mind. So I just use words. I say: "With no effort at all - I imagine sending real love to all readers of this groop. And I imagine that my sending love goes very well and all readers of this group receive the love I send. Also I imagine that they all begin radiate even more love - and I imagine that I enjoy feeling this love."

- I don't calm myself down before sending love. I just begin saying words about sending love - an instruction to myself:
"With no effort at all - I imagine sending myself real love in a form of bright pink light from everywhere."

There are other interesting answers there - read for yourself

Mihaela Muresan
You don´t have to think in "pictures" when you send love. Half of the times I don´t "see" stuff when I¨m doing it, but I have other perceptions - such as heat concentrating in my chest and then radiating from it and through my hands , other times it feels like tingling, or a vibration in the body. Or I just feel very good right after starting to send love.

Mihaela Muresan
And about "talking in my brain", I do that as a starter the times I am too tired to concentrate otherwise.I just start saying in my brain simple stuff, like "I am sending love to all the cells in my body" and keep saying that slowly while trying to relax the body in order to actually feel how it starts to flow. *sending love to you* :-)

Daidi Hecht
how do you calm yourself down before you start sending love? i try just to focus on my breath. but so many thoughts, pictures, songs etc distrac me and come to my mind. sometimes i can stop it, or it stops on its own. but often i can control it, i try to focus on my breath, but those thoughts do not dissapear. than i accept it and just start my sending love. but when i do it like that. my experience of sending love is very weak. does that still work?

Mihaela Muresan
I take deep, slow breaths to calm down and whenever my mind tries to "escape" I just take it back to my focus. Trying to "not have" certain thoughts or images in my mind doesn´t work for me (like in "what you resist, persists), but shifting my attention back to what I want to do seems to work... The love sending is weaker for me, too, the times my mind keeps wondering, but it improves a lot after a few times of shifting it back to sending love.

Daidi Hecht
puh, thats a very hard task for me. do you maybe have some stuff on that topic that i can read? or is there even something klause johle wrote about?

Albina Heider
Hi Daidi. I know what you're talking about. I had the same problem in the beginning, couldn't relax, concentrate and imagine. Once you learn to relax, it will come naturally. And please, don't talk to your brain. Talk to your heart. Or better don't talk at all. Good luck! :)
7 ч. назад · Мне нравится

Daidi Hecht
so you mean that the key ( or one thing of the key is) to improve the ability of relaxing before sending love? :D

Mihaela Muresan
Good point with "talk to the heart", Albina ! Daidi, I think learning to relax could prove beneficial for many areas of your life, not only sending love :-) Unfortunatelly, I don´t have any resources I could direct you to; however, relaxing comes easier after you swim or do other physical activities, you could try from that, perhaps ?

Daidi Hecht
jeah i will try that

Albina Heider
Look what I do sometimes, Daidi. Maybe it will help. I guess there must be sunshine in your country this time of the year. So you can go to the beach or some quiet place and imagine the connection between the sunshine and yourself. You will feel connecting light and your thoughts will fly away and won't distract you. There will be only you and the light. How does it sound? Easier to do? :)

Daidi Hecht
i will try both methods, thanks albina and mihaela :)

Mihaela Muresan
You´re welcome and good luck ! :-)

Albina Heider
Tell us about the results, I'm sure they will be amazing ;)

question, sending love, imagine, facebook, answer

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